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Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission,

Info Source

Sources of Federal
Employee Information

Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
Chapter 71

Table of Contents

Particular Personal Information Banks

Standard Personal Information Banks

Particular Personal Information Banks

Managerial and Confidential Exclusions
Description: This bank contains individual employee data related to exclusions. It includes effective dates of exclusion, bargaining unit identification, position number and title, employee group and level and the rationale on which the employee was excluded.
Class of Individuals: The information relates to employees of the Commission.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to maintain a complete listing of all managerial and confidential exclusions in the Commission and is the only official record of exclusion status.
Consistent Uses: To support decisions on the nomination of employees to excluded positions.
Retention and Disposal Standards: Notices of acceptance or objection are retained for three years and exclusion files for five years, after which they are destroyed.
RDA Number: 2003/001
Related PR#: HMI ADM 900
TBS Registration: 002881
Bank Number: HMI PPE 805

Person-Year Utilization System
Description: This bank contains the name of each employee on strength, at the end of the reporting period, together with his or her classification and date of employment. This information is used to verify the correct identity of individuals and to link the information in this bank with that from the CCAC Personnel Information System.
Class of Individuals: The information relates to employees of the Commission.
Purpose: The purpose of this bank is to calculate person-year utilization, which is used for internal management information purposes and in the annual reporting to Treasury Board.
Consistent Uses: To support the forecasting and utilization of person years by the Commission.
Retention and Disposal Standards: These files are retained for two years, after which they are destroyed.
RDA Number: 2003/001
Related PR#: HMI ADM 900
TBS Registration: 002883
Bank Number: HMI PPE 810

Standard Personal Information Banks

Please see the INTRODUCTION to this publication for the definition of Standard Banks and a description of their contents.

Attendance and Leave

Employee Personnel Record

Identification and Building-Pass Cards

Occupational Safety and Health

Official Languages


Pay and Benefits

Performance Reviews and Employee Appraisals

Personnel Security Screening (Reliability Screening/Security Clearance)


Training and Development

Values and Ethics Code for the Public Service

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2006-02-13
Date reviewed: 2006-02-13