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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
11F0024M Economic Conference  
61-008-X Quarterly Financial Statistics for Enterprises  
61-205-X Private and Public Investment in Canada, Intentions  
61-206-X Private and Public Investment in Canada, Revised Intentions  
61-219-X Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises  
61-220-X Corporations Returns Act  
61-223-X Capital Expenditures by Type of Asset  
61-232-X Foreign and Domestic Investment in Canada  
61-525-X Failing Concerns: Business Bankruptcy in Canada Paper
61-526-X Failure Rates for New Canadian Firms: New Perspectives on Entry and Exit Paper
61-532-X Canadian Economic Structural Change in the Age of NAFTA: Proceedings  
61-533-S Summary of the Findings of the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations Paper
61-533-X Cornerstones of Community: Highlights from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations Paper
61-534-X Business Dynamics in Canada  
61F0019X Insights on ...  
61F0041M Business and Trade Statistics Field Research Papers  
61F0057M Business and Trade Statistics - Special Survey Reports  
61F0090X Survey of Usage by Businesses of the Social Insurance Number  
68F0015X Unified Enterprise Survey Information Package  


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