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Catalogue no.TitleOther media
82-003-S Health Reports - Supplement Paper
82-003-X Health Reports Paper
82-005-X . . .au Courant  
82-221-X Health Indicators  
82-222-X Health Care in Canada  
82-223-X Induced Abortion Statistics  
82-224-X Pregnancy Outcomes  
82-225-X Canadian Cancer Registry Manuals  
82-226-X Cancer Survival Statistics  
82-231-X Cancer Incidence in Canada  
82-401-X Comparable Health Indicators - Canada, Provinces and Territories  
82-402-X Health Regions: Boundaries and Correspondence with Census Geography  
82-567-X National Population Health Survey Overview Paper
82-570-X Statistical Report on the Health of Canadians Paper
82-573-G Guide to Health Statistics  
82-575-X Access to Health Care Services in Canada  
82-576-X Canadian Community Health Survey Profiles  
82-577-X Canadian Community Health Survey Optional Content and Related Tables  
82-580-X Canadian Persian Gulf Cohort Study: Report Summary  
82-581-X Occupational and Environmental Health Research Projects: A Descriptive Catalogue  
82-617-X Canadian Community Health Survey - Mental Health and Well-being  
82-618-M Healthy Today, Healthy Tomorrow? Findings from the National Population Health Survey  
82-619-M Health State Descriptions for Canadians  
82-620-M Nutrition: Findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey  
82-621-X Your Community, Your Health: Findings from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS)  
82F0058X Health Statistics: Catalogue of Products and Services  
82F0068X Information About the National Population Health Survey  
82F0076X The Changing Face of Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada 2000  
82F0077X Report on Smoking Prevalence in Canada  
82F0081X Cancer Record, Newsletter for Cancer Registries in Canada  
82M0022X Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health: Findings and Public-use Microdata File  
83-237-X Residential Care Facilities  
84-601-X Cancer Statistics  
89-577-X A Profile of Disability in Canada, 2001 Paper
89-578-X A New Approach to Disability Data: Changes Between the 1991 Health and Activity Limitation Survey (HALS) and the 2001 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS)  
89-579-X A Profile of Disability in Canada, 2001 - Tables  
89-580-X Disability Supports in Canada, 2001  
89-581-X Disability Supports in Canada, 2001 - Tables  
89-585-X Children with Disabilities and Their Families  
89-586-X Children with Disabilities and Their Families - Tables  
89-587-X Education, Employment and Income of Adults with and Without Disabilities - Tables  


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