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1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Audit objectives
4. Scope
5. Approach
6. Audit results
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Audit of Service to the Public in Both Official Languages - Follow-ups to Audits and Inspections (regional visits) - Number 33

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1. Introduction

This audit is part of the audit activities conducted by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) to ensure that the Official Languages Act (OLA) and TBS official languages policy are being enforced. Certain federal institutions (located in the Calgary, Vancouver and Winnipeg regions) that have previously been audited or inspected will be subject to the new audit. The goal of this audit is to determine whether the public can communicate with and receive services from these institutions in the official language of its choice, in accordance with the Official Languages Act and the Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations.

This section presents the background to the audit and the objectives, scope, approach used, results, conclusions and recommendations.

2. Background

In her audit report on official languages in the Canadian sports system, the Commissioner of Official Languages asked the Treasury Board Secretariat to review its official languages audit methodology in order to ensure that the programs audited not only comply with established administrative controls, but also are effective in achieving program objectives. To that end the President of the Treasury Board informed the Commissioner that the TBS would be establishing a plan of activities that included the goal of following up on audits and inspections. In addition to this report, two other similar reports are being published: one on the Halifax and Moncton regions, and one on the Montreal and Toronto regions.

3. Audit objectives

The audit objectives were established under Part IV of the Official Languages Act, which deals with the obligations of federal institutions, and third parties acting on their behalf, concerning service to the public. The audit objective was to determine the extent to which the institutions in question are fulfilling their service to the public obligations under the Official Languages Act, the Official Languages (Communications with and Services to the Public) Regulations and government policy.

Another audit objective is to determine, as applicable, the extent to which the offices selected have corrected any deficiencies related to service to the public that were identified in previous audits or inspections. The study also seeks to determine whether these organizations have maintained a level of performance that is judged adequate.

4. Scope

The audit covered six federal institutions in each of the Calgary, Vancouver and Winnipeg regions.

For each location visited, we carried out three types of audit:

  • a telephone audit: a call outside business hours (where they are not continuous) to check whether there is a Call Answer system in both official languages, and a call during business hours to check whether active offer really exists and whether service can be obtained in both official languages;
  • an in-person audit at the site;
  • an audit of the Internet sites.

5. Approach

The following steps were completed during the audit:

  • Meet with the Treasury Board Secretariat official languages representatives to discuss the audit parameters.
  • Choose six offices that were previously audited, or if necessary inspected in a regional visit by the TBS.
  • Identify any complaints against the selected offices filed with the Commissioner of Official Languages since the previous audits.
  • Develop an audit program including interview questionnaires (in person and by telephone), covering the same points as the previous audits.
  • Determine to what extent the Internet sites of the institutions involved give the same information in both official languages, and if necessary determine the extent to which the public can communicate with them in both official languages.
  • For each office chosen, identify the points that gave rise to an observation, and check what measures have been taken following the audit or inspection.
  • Check the level of client satisfaction among the representatives of the minority community, in terms of delivery of services in the client's preferred official language (develop a questionnaire, and conduct on-site interviews).
  • Make telephone calls to check active offer in the offices covered.
  • Check active offer, postings and signage in the federal offices in question.
  • Interview those in charge of the offices visited.
  • Check postings, documentation and the linguistic capability of the institutions in question.
  • Compile and analyse the data collected in the telephone calls, meetings with the minority community representatives, and visits to the offices covered.
  • Group the data by regions, prepare three reports and make recommendations as appropriate.
  • Send the draft reports to the offices in question to obtain their comments, and incorporate the feedback into the final reports.

6. Audit results

6.1 Calgary

6.1.1 Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB)

Fording Place, 205 9th Avenue S.E., Calgary
Burolis #: 91060
October 27, 2000

Audit results 

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The Calgary office of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada has a telephone number in the Calgary telephone directory, in both official languages: 292-6134 (403). When we made our call outside business hours, the telephone messages were fully bilingual and identical.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we called the above number, we were given an active offer and were able to obtain services in French immediately.

Active offer in person

When we visited the reception desk we were given an active offer, and the attendant was completely bilingual. She was able to answer our questions and direct us to the manager we were to meet. It should be mentioned that the employee at the reception desk is the only possible contact point for people from outside, since the public cannot access the office without first going to the reception desk.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

When conducting our audit we noted that there was an official languages symbol at the reception desk and in the documentation centre.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage were completely bilingual.

Availability of publications in both official languages

All publications used come from head office and are available in both official languages. On our visit we found a number of publications in both official languages there, including Immigration Appeal Division, Convention Refugee Determination, Facts about the Adjudication Division and the brochure entitled The Research Program of the Documentation, Information and Research Branch.

In the documentation centre, a number of publications that do not come directly from the IRB are available only in the language of origin. There is not a great deal of documentation in French, but we were informed that the demand was very limited and that it was not cost-effective to have a number of documents taking up space when they would probably not be consulted. However, we were told that any documentation available in French could be obtained fairly quickly on request. When there is significant demand for a document, it is kept in the documentation centre for consultation.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Internet site ( is completely bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the IRB. There is no specific reference to the Calgary office.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Calgary office has three divisions: the Convention Refugee Determination Division, the Immigration Appeal Division and the Adjudication Division. The Convention Refugee Determination Division hears only refugee status claims made by persons in Canada. The Immigration Appeal Division hears appeals of sponsored applications for permanent residence that have been denied. The Adjudication Division handles immigration-related requests for persons who are considered inadmissible to or removable from Canada under the Immigration Act.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

This office has 23 positions, four of which are bilingual. Three of the employees occupying the bilingual positions have achieved at least B level, and their bilingualism tests are still valid. There is one bilingual position currently occupied by a person who is not bilingual. This situation should be corrected shortly, since that represents 25% of the bilingual positions and affects the delivery of services in French. All employees are regularly informed of their language obligations.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the manager we met, the office has the work tools required to provide the service in both official languages. The office has some bilingual keyboards. The business cards and fax cover sheets are bilingual.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The manager interviewed had been in the position for only six months, and she could not confirm with certainty that the services provided to the public were comparable and equal in quality in both official languages, because there had not been a request for services in French since she took up the position. She said that often the office knew the client's language, because clients were referred by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and that gave them time to adjust accordingly. Also, clients usually come on appointment.

The manager told us that the office had the capability to conduct interviews in French, but that if there were a request for services in French relating to adjudication and the request were complex, the office would contact a bilingual employee in the Winnipeg office so that it could provide service in French in that area. She also indicated that as a last resort she could contact the Montreal office and if necessary use a video conference to ensure that the services would be provided in French. We are not able to judge the comparability of the services, but we would point out that the fact that one of the four bilingual positions is not occupied by a bilingual employee will necessarily affect the delivery of bilingual services.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met was well aware of her office's official languages obligations.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no controls at the local level to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages. The manager believes that head office carries out spot checks, but she had no data to that effect. She considers that the lack of complaints also constitutes a form of control.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community.

Use of the media

The Calgary office does not use the media.

Complaints concerning official languages

There has been no complaint concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last audit

There has been little change in the situation since the last audit, done in March 1996. The number of positions has grown from 16 to 23, but the number of bilingual positions remains the same. In 1996, two of the four bilingual positions were occupied by employees who had incumbent rights; today, only one of the four bilingual positions is not occupied by a bilingual employee. Today the bilingual capacity still seems sufficient to meet the demand for services in French.


No recommendations are necessary.

6.1.2 Canadian Heritage

220 4th Avenue S.E., Calgary
Burolis #: 11876
October 27, 2000

Audit results

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The telephone number for Canadian Heritage, listed in both official languages in the Calgary telephone directory, is 292-5541 (403). When we called this number outside business hours, the telephone message was completely bilingual. The Calgary office is also responsible for the Service Canada Access Centre. There is a toll-free number (1-800-O-Canada) for this service; the message is completely bilingual.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we called the above numbers, there was an active offer and services in French.

Active offer in person

When we visited the Canadian Heritage reception desk, we received an active offer and services in French. We also received an active offer and services in French at the Service Canada Access Centre, which is administered by Canadian Heritage.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

We noted that there was an official languages symbol at the reception desk. Also, we found some symbols at the Service Canada desks.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are completely bilingual. All temporary and permanent notices were in both official languages.

Availability of publications in both official languages

All publications used come from head office and are available in both official languages. They include documents on multiculturalism, cultural industries, arts policy and official languages. The documentation available in the office was either bilingual or published in both English and French. At the Service Canada Access Centre we found the most popular Government of Canada publications, which were available in both official languages.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Canadian Heritage Internet site ( is completely bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the Department. There is no specific Internet site for the Calgary office, but there is a general site ( for the Service Canada Access Centre. This site is also fully bilingual.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Calgary office provides the full range of programs and services, such as national policies and programs on broadcasting, the cultural industries, the arts, heritage, official languages, Canadian identity, the Canadian symbols, multiculturalism, etc. The office is also responsible for the Service Canada Access Centre, a vast single window set up to inform Canadians about a wide range of Government of Canada services and programs.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

This office has five positions, three of which are bilingual (2 at the CCC level and the management position at the BBB level). There is also a student working at this office; his position is not designated as bilingual, but he is able to provide services in French. The bilingual positions are occupied by bilingual employees. The two employees who work at Service Canada are also bilingual. The bilingualism tests for all the employees are still valid. The office is able to provide services in French on a regular basis.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the manager we met, the office has the work tools required to provide service in both official languages. The office has bilingual keyboards. The business cards are bilingual, as are the letterheads and fax cover sheets.

Comparability of the service to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided are comparable and equal in quality, because there are enough bilingual employees on duty to provide service in both official languages at all times of day. The office has also made an administrative arrangement with Parks Canada in case there is a shortage of bilingual personnel for some reason.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met was well aware of her office's official languages obligations.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no specific controls to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages. The manager considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control, and that the supervision of management is sufficient, since there are not many employees at this office.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction. However, it should be added that a comment card is available at the Service Canada Access Centre. This comment card is bilingual, but it does not include any questions related to official languages.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

The manager interviewed said that in the light of its mandate, Canadian Heritage maintained very good relations with the official language minority communities. The representative of the Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta we met confirmed that this was the case.

Use of the media

Canadian Heritage publishes its advertisements in the newspapers in both official languages or in English in the English-language dailies and in French in the weekly Le Franco.

Complaints concerning official languages

In the past year there has been one complaint concerning official languages. It related to the unilingual English texts supplied by Canadian Heritage to the master of ceremonies presenting Francophone artists as part of the International Day of the Rendez-vous de la francophonie, held at the Harry Hays Building.

Changes since the last audit

Since the March 1996 audit, the nature of the services has been changed slightly, since Canadian Heritage now looks after the Service Canada Access Centre. The number of bilingual positions has remained the same at the office itself, but there are two more bilingual positions attached to Service Canada. Now as in 1996, Canadian Heritage is able to provide very good service in French.


No recommendations are necessary.

6.1.3 Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC)

220 4th Avenue S.E., Calgary
Burolis #: 11562
October 27, 2000

Audit results 

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The HRDC telephone number is listed in the Calgary telephone directory, in both official languages, as 292-4566 (403). When we called the number outside business hours, the telephone message was completely bilingual.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we telephoned the above number, we received an active offer and services in French.

Active offer in person

When we went to the Harry Hays Building, we did not receive an active offer from the commissionaire to whom we spoke. He quickly brought in a bilingual colleague who gave us the necessary directions. When we arrived at the HRDC reception desk we received an active offer and services in French.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

We noted that there were some official languages symbols at the reception desk.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are completely bilingual.

Availability of publications in both official languages

There are no local publications, except the pamphlet related to the Department's local Internet site. All publications used come from head office and are available in both official languages. They include forms for employment insurance, old age security and the Canada Pension Plan. The Alberta provincial government publications are available only in English.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The HRDC Internet site ( is completely bilingual and includes a note stating that some hyperlinks are available only in the original language. The site describes the full range of services provided by the Department. We also noted that there is an Internet site specific to the Calgary office, at (; This is a bilingual site giving a brief description of the services, resources and Job Banks. There is also a bilingual site giving information on the labour market in Alberta; this site ( is also bilingual, and the Department has published a bilingual pamphlet entitled Put Our Web Site to Work for You.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

Since April 1, 1997 there has been a Canada-Alberta agreement on labour market development. HRDC retains overall responsibility for income support related to employment insurance and the services related to the labour market. Alberta is responsible for the design, administration and implementation of various active employment measures; it is also responsible for the main functions of the National Employment Service, including employment counselling, selection and placement. The agreement thus enables Alberta to play a greater role in designing and administering labour market development programs and services for unemployed Albertans.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

This office has just over 20 bilingual positions, including those of the four receptionists, who are the first point of contact with the public. There are currently 11 people on an eligibility list who are likely to replace the bilingual receptionists, because the turnover rate for these employees is high, and the Department wants to be prepared for any eventuality. The other employees whose positions are bilingual work as officers in various fields, such as income security, employment insurance, etc. It should be noted that two employees are currently taking language courses to improve their personal skills.

In terms of the service provided by the provincial government employees, we were told that there were three bilingual employees out of six, and that these employees were completely bilingual. The three unilingual employees will eventually be replaced with bilingual employees when they leave their present positions. The provincial government employees do not receive the bilingualism bonus, but the obligation to provide services in both official languages is one of their conditions of employment.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the managers we met, the office has the work tools necessary to provide the service in both official languages. The office has bilingual keyboards. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are bilingual.

Comparability of the service to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided are comparable and equal in quality, because there are enough bilingual employees on duty to provide the service in both official languages at all times of day.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The managers we met were well aware of their office's official languages obligations.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There is no specific control in this office to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages. The managers said that the Commissioner of Official Languages conducted spot checks and that they were informed of them on occasion.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction, but the office plans to study this matter in the coming months.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community.

Use of the media

HRDC publishes its advertisements in the newspapers in both official languages, or else it publishes in English in the English-language dailies and in French in the weekly Le Franco.

Complaints concerning official languages

There has been one complaint concerning official languages. It related to a unilingual English telephone message for a telephone number published under the French listing in the blue pages of the Calgary telephone directory.

Changes since the last inspection

The last inspection was done in 1994. There have been so many changes since then that we cannot make any comparison with the situation prevailing at that time.


No recommendations are necessary.

6.1.4 Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)

220 4th Avenue S.E., Calgary
Burolis #: 11763
October 30, 2000

Audit results 

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The telephone number for PWGSC is listed in the Calgary telephone directory, in both official languages, as 292-5981 (403). When we called it outside business hours, there was an active offer, but the message on the Call Answer system was unilingual English.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we called the above number, there was an active offer, but to obtain services in French the call had to be transferred to the Edmonton regional office. The person in Edmonton who takes the call then acts as an interpreter: when asked for information, he puts the caller on hold and contacts the Calgary office again to find the answer to the questions. If we have other questions, the same hold process is repeated. This process is rather annoying when one has many questions and sub-questions.

Active offer in person

When we went to the Harry Hays Building, we did not receive an active offer from the commissionaire to whom we spoke. He quickly brought in a bilingual colleague who gave us the necessary directions. When we arrived at the PWGSC reception desk, we did not receive an active offer, but we did obtain services in French. It should be noted that the receptionist's position is not designated as bilingual, and she generally makes an active offer on the telephone only.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

We noted that there was an official languages symbol at the reception desk.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage were fully bilingual.

Availability of publications in both official languages

There is no local publication. All the publications used come from head office and are available in both official languages. There were all sorts of publications on such varied subjects as acquisitions of goods and services, guides to supply, sustainable development strategies, etc.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The PWGSC Internet site ( is fully bilingual and includes a note that some hyperlinks are available only in the language in which they have been provided. The site describes the full range of services provided by the Department. There is no Internet site specific to the Calgary office.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Calgary office mainly provides services to the other federal government department and agency offices in Calgary. They include real property services, architecture, engineering, supply, purchasing, notices of proposed procurement, MERX – the official Canada electronic tendering service, etc.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

This office has 55 to 60 positions, five of which are bilingual. Most of the positions require B level, but some employees exceed that level. The language tests of all employees are still valid. There is almost no demand for services in French. The office said that there are only one or two visitors a year who want to be served in French, and that the frequency of telephone calls is approximately the same.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the managers we met, the office does not have any bilingual keyboards but is still able to use the accents to respond properly to letters received in French. The office said that if the subjects to be discussed were complicated, it would deal either with the Edmonton office or with its translation services. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are bilingual.

Comparability of the service to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided at the office are comparable and equal in quality, because there are enough bilingual employees on duty to provide the service in both official languages at any time of day. The office has also made administrative arrangements with Canadian Heritage, whose office is in the same building. We were told that they had not had to use these arrangements to provide service to the public in both official languages. It would still be necessary to consider improving the services in French at the general information telephone number, because transferring the calls to the Edmonton office involves a number of drawbacks.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The managers we met were well aware of their office's official languages obligations.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no specific controls in this office to ensure that service to the public is always provided in both official languages.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction. The office told us that there had been some surveys of the departments, but the managers did not know whether official languages had been covered in these surveys.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community. It is the Edmonton regional office that handles those meetings. The office told us that its contacts with the Francophone community involved only the schools and were related to the distribution of computers.

Use of the media

PWGSC publishes its advertisements in the newspapers in both official languages, or else in English in the English-language dailies and in French in the weekly Le Franco. The advertisements mainly concern service contracts and leases.

Complaints concerning official languages

There has been no complaint concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last inspection

The last inspection was done in 1994. There have been a few changes since: the number of positions has risen from thirty to sixty, and the number of bilingual positions from one to five. The office is in a better position to provide services in both official languages, even though the demand is not higher.


Following the audit, it is recommended:

  • that the office ensure that the Call Answer system is bilingual;
  • that the office re-examine the administrative arrangement used to provide telephone services in both official languages.

6.1.5 Canadian Food Inspection Agency

3650 36th Street N.W., Calgary
Burolis #: 11478
October 30, 2000

Audit results 

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency office in Calgary (the office on 36th Street N.W.) is listed in both official languages in the Calgary telephone directory as 292-5562 (403). Outside business hours, the message at this number is fully bilingual. There is also another number listed as 229-7660 (403); the message at this number is not bilingual.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

During business hour there was no active offer, but services in French were available when we called.

Active offer in person

We did not receive an active offer at the reception desk in this office when we visited it, but we were able to obtain services in French.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

We noted that there was no official languages symbol at the reception desk and that there was also no sign indicating that service was available in both official languages.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are partially bilingual. At the entrance there is a notice stating, in English only: "All visitors report to reception desk", and two other safety-related -Property protected by video surveillance system" and "For building/security emergencies call 263-7110".

Availability of publications in both official languages

All publications used come from head office. The local administration does not have any publications. There was not a great deal of documentation in the office, but some publications were available in French.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency Internet site ( is fully bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided. There is no Internet site specific to the Calgary office.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The office visited is located in a laboratory. The services provided relate to the programs and operations. The employees' work includes analysing agri-food products (meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products, dairy products, fruits and vegetables) and processed products (canned or frozen products). The office may also receive samples of raw and prepared meat for analysis. Most of the requests for information are related to food.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

There are about 78 positions in this office. There is only one bilingual position, the one for the laboratory reception desk. The receptionist position related to operations is not designated as bilingual, and it is currently vacant. The office was not able to tell us whether this position would eventually be designated as bilingual.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the person we met, the office has almost never received correspondence in French. The office does not have a bilingual keyboard, but it does have computers on which the accents can be used. The office's fax cover sheets and business cards are bilingual.

Comparability of the service to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided in this office are not comparable nor equal in quality, because there is only one position designated as bilingual. Also, the duties of that position concern receiving visitors, not delivering services as such. However, the office has made an administrative arrangement with another Agency office, the one at the Harry Hays Building. That office has four or five bilingual positions that cover all areas of the Agency's activities.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The planning and resources management officer we met was well aware of the office's language obligations. She told us that the demand for services in French at this office was very low.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no controls to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages. They did not know whether the Agency's head office conducted spot checks on official languages; in any case they had never heard of any.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community.

Use of the media

The office visited does not use the media; the only possible advertisements would be related to staffing positions and would be made by the Public Service Commission or placed in specialized magazines or journals addressed to veterinarians, for example. The positions are generally advertised in both official languages.

Complaints concerning official languages

Last year there were no complaints related to official languages.

Changes since the last inspection

The last inspection was done in 1994; at that time these functions were performed by the Health Canada Health Protection Branch. Thus there is nothing for comparison with the present services.


Following the audit, it is recommended:

  • that the office ensure that the telephone numbers provided for the public have bilingual telephone messages;
  • that all employees at the reception desk be reminded to make an active offer in both official languages, in person and on the telephone;
  • that the official languages symbol be posted at the reception desk as soon as possible;
  • that all postings with messages intended for the public be translated as soon as possible;
  • that the language designation of the receptionist position related to operations be revised.

6.1.6 Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Customs Border Services
3033 34th Avenue N.E., Calgary
Burolis #: 11766
October 30, 2000

Audit results 

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

For the services provided by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency at 3033 34th Avenue, the telephone number listed in the telephone directory is the toll-free number 1-800-959-2036. This is the number of the Tax Information Phone System (TIPS), an automated information system that automatically answers all calls received and provides general information 24 hours a day. This service is provided in both official languages, and the attendants indicate in both official languages the procedure for obtaining information.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

By calling the above number during business hours it is possible to obtain services in both official languages, and there is an active offer of these services.

Active offer in person

We did not receive an active offer when we went to the counter. When we asked in French to speak to the manager, the attendant at the reception counter continued the conversation in French.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

The official languages symbol is prominently displayed behind the counters; we also saw a number of others posted in the corridors and in the waiting room.

Postings in both official languages at all times

All postings and signage are completely bilingual.

Availability of publications in both official languages

All the documentation we examined was available in both official languages. It was mainly forms and pamphlets.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Agency's Internet site ( is fully bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the Agency. It is easy to move from one language to the other by clicking on English or French in the main menu. That enables one to go directly from the content in one language to the same content in the other, without having to go through all the search stages again to find it. It does not go back to the first page, but directly to the corresponding page in the other language. There is no separate site for this Calgary office.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

This office often deals with importers, agents and insurance brokers who may be employed by insurance companies or brokers' firms, or self-employed workers. They often come to the office to handle their clients' imports or to clear goods through customs.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

The service is provided by about forty officers, three of them in bilingual positions. All these officers have at least B level, and their bilingualism tests are still valid. There is at least one employee who has a language exemption. In the next staffing actions, the bilingualism level for the positions will be raised to BBC. There are always bilingual personnel on duty, and all the employees ( including those who do not hold bilingual positions) are informed of their language obligations at least once a year. As an example, the Agency showed us a communiqué it had issued in July, reminding the employees to make certain that the bilingual postings were in full view and that the pamphlets were available in both official languages, to make an active offer, etc. At present there is one employee who has asked to take language training.

Presence of work tools required for provision of services in both official languages

There is not much correspondence in French, but Agency has all the work tools required to respond to it. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are fully bilingual.

Comparability of the service to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

We consider that the services to the public are comparable and equal in quality in both official languages. Most of the bilingual services are provided by employees who have the same level of skill in both official languages, and the presence of these employees is continuous. There is an administrative arrangement with the airport office if necessary.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The managers we met were well aware of their official languages responsibilities.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no specific control mechanisms in this office to ensure that service is always provided in both official languages. Management considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

The Agency always has available the slip entitled Your Opinion Counts. This bilingual questionnaire includes three questions related to official languages: the first asks the client in which language he or she has been served; the second asks whether the service was provided in the official language of his or her choice; and the third asks whether the client obtained the desired documentation. The Agency said that this questionnaire is hardly ever used now, since the office is no longer accessible to the public.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community.

Use of the media

This district office does not use the media. We were told that that is the responsibility of the regional office.

Complaints concerning official languages

There has been no complaint concerning official languages in the past year.

Changes since the last audit

The last audit was done in March 1996, and we noted that one bilingual position had been added to the organization. This represents a 50% increase in the bilingual staff. The quality of the services provided is consistent.


Following the audit, it is recommended:

  • that the employees be reminded of the importance of providing an active offer of services in both official languages.

6.2 Vancouver

6.2.1 Bank of Canada

900 Hastings Street West, Vancouver
Burolis #: 15038
October 19, 2000

Audit results

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The Bank of Canada is listed in the Vancouver telephone directory in both official languages. The number is a toll-free number, 1-800-303-1282. This is the general information number for the Bank of Canada, and there is a fully bilingual Call Answer system. The toll-free number for the Vancouver Regional Office is 1-800-388-8427, and there is also a fully bilingual Call Answer system.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

During business hours there is an active offer and services in both official languages.

Active offer in person

On our audit visit we received an active offer and services in French.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

We did not see an official languages symbol at the reception desk, but there is a sign clearly indicating that the services are available in both official languages.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are completely bilingual.

Availability of publications in both official languages

All publications used come from the head office and are available in both official languages. On our visit we found that the Vancouver office has a wide range of publications in French.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Bank of Canada Internet site ( is fully bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the Bank. There is no Internet site specific to the Vancouver office.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Bank of Canada is Canada's central bank; it is a Crown corporation created to be the sole issuer of bank notes and to facilitate the management of Canada's financial system. The Vancouver office is no longer considered a regional operations centre; it is now more like a small representative office. The employees often answer questions on such subjects as the mandate of the Bank of Canada, monetary policy, bank notes, counterfeit bills, bank services and debt management.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

There are only five employees in the Vancouver office, and three of them are completely bilingual. The other two employees can also manage in French. All the employees take about two hours of language training a week. Thus the office is fully capable of meeting its language obligations.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

The office is able to respond to all correspondence received in French. The keyboards available can reproduce the accents. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are bilingual.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided to the public are fully comparable and equal in quality in both official languages, since everyone speaks French.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met is well aware of his official languages responsibilities, and he regularly tells the employees of their language obligations, such as making active offers on the telephone and in person. We were assured that when a position must be filled, knowledge of French was a factor taken into consideration. Also, the Bank of Canada official languages policy requires all Bank employees to have bilingual messages on their Call Answer systems.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no controls to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages, except the director's ongoing supervision. Management considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction that are specific to the Vancouver office. No client satisfaction has been measured for incoming telephone calls or over-the-counter requests. However, the service provided to the local financial institutions is checked for client satisfaction periodically.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community; however, management told us that they had contacts with the French-language chamber of commerce, and that they made presentations to it on occasion.

Use of the media

The Vancouver office does not use the media, but if it were to do so one day, it would ensure that the advertisements published in the newspapers were in both official languages.

Complaints concerning official languages

There has been no complaint concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last inspection

The last inspection was done in 1997. The nature of the office has greatly changed since then, but that has not affected the language capability, which is still excellent.


No recommendations are necessary.

6.2.2 VIA Rail Canada

1150 Station Street, Vancouver
Burolis #: 30353
October 19, 2000

Audit results


Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

VIA Rail Canada is listed in the Vancouver telephone directory at the toll-free number 1-800-561-8630. This is the general information number for VIA Rail Canada; it connects to a fully bilingual Call Answer system. The VIA Rail Canada Internet site also gives the toll-free number 1-888-VIARAIL for reservations; this number also has a fully bilingual Call Answer system.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

Calls to either of these numbers during business hours are often routed to a Call Answer system. However, when one speaks to an attendant, there is an active offer and services in both official languages.

Active offer in person

On our audit visit we did not receive an active offer at the wicket, but it was possible to obtain services in French.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

There was no official languages symbol at the wicket, but there was a sign indicating that services were available in both official languages.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are partially bilingual. Some notices or information are only partly translated, such as the ones for the lockers that can be rented temporarily. Other notices have errors in French; examples are: embarquement autorizé; Blue d'Argent et la classe économie, which should be: "autorisé; Bleu d'Argent et économique". Some notices are in English only, such as a notice concerning business hours.

Third parties under contract do not display bilingual menus (McDonald's and Cappucino Bar). The instructions on the dispensers (Nescafé) are partly bilingual, but the ones for the electronic games are unilingual English. The instructions for using the telephones (Telus) are bilingual, but the ones for the calling cards are not.

Availability of publications in both official languages

All publications used come from the head office and are available in both official languages. On our visit to the station we saw only timetables, and they were bilingual.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The VIA Rail Canada Internet site ( is completely bilingual. It describes the full range of services provided by VIA. There is no specific Internet site for the Vancouver station.


Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Vancouver station is intended for the travelling public in general. Trains used include the Canadian, the western transcontinental train that links Toronto and Vancouver.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

The language capability varies considerably depending on the tourist seasons (low or high). During low season there are three bilingual employees out of 10, while in high season there are 13 out of 25. We were told that the language skills of these employees were assessed on the telephone, and that the monitoring by the supervisor also makes it possible to measure their level of communication. Also, some employees are taking French courses, and management has made a number of diskettes available to them to help with their learning.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

The office is able to respond to all correspondence received in French. There are no bilingual keyboards, but the keyboards available can reproduce the accents. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are bilingual.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided to the public are not entirely comparable or equal in quality in both official languages, because the office cannot guarantee that bilingual employees will be on duty at all times.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The head of customer service we met was well aware of her official languages responsibilities, especially for the service to the public provided by VIA employees. She was not aware of the language obligations of third parties under contract, and did not know whether their contracts included a language clause. She reports to a supervisor who works in Winnipeg.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no controls to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages, except for the supervision. Management considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction that are specific to the Vancouver station. We were told that the Winnipeg customer service office conducted surveys from time to time, but management was unable to give us any results, and they did not know whether any survey questions concerned official languages.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community.

Use of the media

The Vancouver station does not use the media. Advertisements related to jobs are made from Montreal, which handles human resources management.

Complaints concerning official languages

There has been no complaint concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last audit

There have been no significant changes since the 1996 audit, particularly in the areas of active offer at the wickets, postings and the obligations of third parties under contract. However, there has been an improvement in active offer on the telephone, since VIA now provides toll-free numbers giving services in both official languages.


Following the audit, it is recommended:

  • that the employees be reminded of the importance of providing an active offer of services in both official languages;
  • that the office ensure that all postings with messages intended for the public are correctly written in both official languages over the next year;
  • that third parties under contract be monitored to ensure that they respect the language clause written in the lease contract;
  • that a schedule be established for monitoring the postings on all self-service machines installed in the station.

6.2.3 Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Surrey Tax Centre
Burolis #: 89612
October 20, 2000

Audit results

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

For the services provided by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency at the Surrey Tax Centre, the telephone number listed in the telephone directory is the toll-free number 1-800-959-5383. This is the number of the Tax Information Phone System (TIPS), an automated system that automatically answers all calls received and provides general information 24 hours a day. This service is provided in both official languages, and the attendants indicate in both official languages the procedure for obtaining information.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

By calling the above number during business hours it is possible to obtain services in both official languages, and there is an active offer of these services.

Active offer in person

The public do not have access to the office visited, so active offer in person does not apply.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

The public do not have access to the office visited, so visibility of the official languages symbol does not apply.

Postings in both official languages at all times

Even though the public do not have access to this office, much of the postings and signage are bilingual.

Availability of publications in both official languages

We were told that all the documentation was available in both official languages and that that it consisted of publications issued by head office.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Agency's Internet site ( is fully bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the Agency. It is easy to move from one language to the other by clicking on English or French in the main menu. That enables one to go directly from the content in one language to the same content in the other, without having to go through all the search stages again to find it. It does not go back to the first page of the site, but directly to the corresponding page in the other language. There is no separate site for the Surrey Tax Centre.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The office visited provides mainly services related to the programs involving tax returns; its contacts with the public and with companies are made mainly by telephone, and sometimes in writing.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

The bilingual service is provided by about ten officers occupying bilingual positions. All these officers have level C or language exemption. There are always bilingual personnel on duty, and all employees (including those not in bilingual positions) are informed of their language obligations once a year. The Agency regularly issues a communiqué listing the names and telephone numbers of the bilingual persons on duty; this communiqué also gives the instructions to follow if there is a request for services in French. The Agency also works closely with the regional advisor of the Official Languages Program, who provides judicious advice on service to the public in both official languages. At present there are about twenty employees taking language training courses part-time.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

There is not much correspondence in French, but the Agency has all the work tools for responding to it. If necessary, the Agency uses the service of the Translation Bureau for complex or technical interpretations. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are completely bilingual.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

We consider the services to the public comparable and equal in quality in both official languages. Most of the bilingual services are provided by employees who have the same level of skill in both official languages, and the presence of these employees is continuous.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met was well aware of her official languages responsibilities.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no regularly used control mechanisms other than the supervision; management considers that it does not need control mechanisms, since the office does not provide in-person services to the public, the services are provided mainly on the telephone and by correspondence, and it is thus able to determine the language in which its clients want to be served.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

The Agency still has available the slip entitled Your Opinion Counts. This bilingual questionnaire includes three questions related to official languages: the first asks the client in which language he or she was served; the second asks whether the service was provided in the official language of his or her choice; and the third asks whether the client obtained the desired documentation. The Agency said that this questionnaire is hardly ever used now, since the office is no longer accessible to the public.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

The Regional Advisor Official Languages is very pro-active in her contacts with the Vancouver and Surrey Francophone minority communities.

Use of the media

The office uses the media especially at tax time; there are advertisements in the English-language dailies and in the French-language newspapers (L'Express du Pacifique). The Agency also broadcasts advertisements (in English and in French) on the radio and television stations.

Complaints concerning official languages

There have been no complaints concerning official languages in the past year.

Changes since the last audit

The nature of the office has changed completely since the 1996 audit, since the office is no longer accessible to the public. Thus it is not appropriate to compare the delivery of services in both official languages.


No recommendations are necessary.

6.2.4 Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB)

300 Georgia Street West, Vancouver
Burolis #: 15377
October 18, 2000

Audit results

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The Vancouver office of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada has a telephone number listed in the Vancouver telephone directory, in both official languages: 666-5496 (604). When we made our call outside business hours, we found that the telephone messages were fully bilingual and identical.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we called the above number, there was no active offer, but we were able to obtain services in French.

Active offer in person

When we visited the reception desk we were not given an active offer, but the attendant was fully bilingual and was able to answer our questions in the language of our choice. He told us that there were almost never any clients who spoke to him in French, and that he sometimes forgot to make an active offer; however, he was always happy to be able to provide services in French. It should be mentioned that the employee at the reception desk is the only possible contact point for people from outside, since the public cannot access the office without first going to the reception desk.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

There was an official languages symbol at the reception desk. There was no symbol in the documentation centre at the time of our audit but the manager told us that there is one there now.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are partially bilingual. Everything is bilingual at the reception desk, but at the documentation centre the notices concerning business hours and services to the public were unilingual English.

Availability of publications in both official languages

All publications used come from head office and are available in both official languages. These include guides, reference documents and various reports. Publications in the documentation centre that do not come from the IRB were available in the language of origin only.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Internet site ( ) is fully bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the IRB. There is no specific reference to the Vancouver office.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Vancouver office has three divisions: the Convention Refugee Determination Division, the Immigration Appeal Division and the Adjudication Division. The Convention Refugee Determination Division hears only refugee status claims made by persons in Canada. The Immigration Appeal Division hears appeals of sponsored applications for permanent residence that have been denied. The Adjudication Division handles immigration-related requests for persons who are considered inadmissible to or removable from Canada under the Immigration Act.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

This office has about 100 positions, eight of them bilingual. The employees who occupy the bilingual positions have achieved level C, and their bilingualism tests are still valid. Both receptionists and the secretary are bilingual; there are also three officers and two other replacement employees who are bilingual. It should be mentioned that five of the 27 judges who sit on this administrative tribunal are bilingual. There was no bilingual employee at the documentation centre at the time of our visit; there was a bilingual employee available but not located physically in the document centre. All the employees are regularly informed of their language obligations.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the manager we met, the office has the work tools required to provide service in both official languages. The office has some bilingual keyboards. The business cards and some fax cover sheets are bilingual. We noted that the office occasionally used cover sheets that were not bilingual. We were told that after the audit all fax cover sheet macros in the computer system have been corrected and
are now bilingual.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services are essentially comparable and equal in quality, because there is always at least one bilingual employee on duty to provide service in both official languages. The office recently went from one bilingual position to eight bilingual positions, so that it can provide continuous service.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met was well aware of his office's official languages obligations.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no controls to ensure that service is always provided in both official languages. The manager considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no formal meetings with the official language minority community.

Use of the media

The regional office does not use the media. When there are newspaper advertisements, they are prepared by head office, and they are bilingual.

Complaints concerning official languages

There have been no complaints concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last audit

The last audit was conducted in March 1996. The situation has improved in recent years: the number of bilingual positions has risen from one to eight. However, the situation at the documentation centre is still precarious, because there is no bilingual employee on duty.


Following the audit, it is recommended:

  • that the employees be reminded of the importance of providing an active offer of services in both official languages;
  • that the office ensure that postings and signage in the documentation centre are in both official languages.

6.2.5 Canadian Heritage

300 Georgia Street West, Vancouver
Burolis #: 15588
October 18, 2000

Audit results

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The telephone number for Canadian Heritage, listed in the Vancouver telephone directory in both official languages, is 666-0176 (604). When we made our call outside business hours, the telephone message was completely bilingual.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we called the above number, we received an active offer and services in French.

Active offer in person

When we visited the reception desk, we received an active offer and services in French.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

There was an official languages symbol at the reception desk. We also found a number of symbols inside the Canadian Heritage offices.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage were entirely bilingual. All temporary, permanent and hand-written notices were in both official languages.

Availability of publications in both official languages

There are no local publications. All publications used come from head office and are available in both official languages. They include documents on multiculturalism, cultural industries, arts policy and official languages. The documentation available in the office was either bilingual or published in both English and French.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The Canadian Heritage Internet site ( is completely bilingual and very user-friendly. It describes the full range of services provided by the Department. There is no specific Internet site for the Vancouver office, but there are regular references to the regional offices at various places on the national site. Often it even identifies a number of contact points, indicating their functions and providing their E-mail addresses, so it is possible to contact an officer in the regional office directly.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The Vancouver office is a regional office, and it provides the full range of programs and services, such as national policies and programs on broadcasting, the cultural industries, the arts, heritage, official languages, Canadian identity, Canadian symbols, multiculturalism, etc.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

This office has about 40 positions, 27 of which are bilingual. The employees occupying the bilingual positions have achieved level C, and a number even have language exemption; there is only one employee who has not yet achieved level C. These employees' bilingualism tests are still valid. The manager we met nevertheless told us that it was hard to recruit bilingual employees in a context where other factors, like diversity and representation of Aboriginal peoples, also had to be taken into account.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the manager we met, the office has all the work tools required to provide the service in both official languages. The office has bilingual keyboards. The business cards, letterheads and fax cover sheets are all bilingual.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided are comparable and equal in quality, because there are always a number of bilingual employees on duty to provide service in both official languages, at all times of day.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met was well aware of her office official languages obligations.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no specific controls to ensure that service is always provided in both official languages. The manager considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control, and that the large number of bilingual positions provides a guarantee that the services are always available in both official languages.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

Given its mandate, Canadian Heritage maintains very good relations with the official language minority communities.

Use of the media

The regional offices uses the media. Canadian Heritage publishes advertisements in such newspapers as L'Express du Pacifique; its advertisements are published in English or in French, depending on the newspaper used. Canadian Heritage also uses radio and television (CBC - English and French) to inform the population of certain events.

Complaints concerning official languages

There have been no complaints concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last inspection

The nature of the services has changed somewhat since the last inspection (May 1997), because at that time Canadian Heritage also looked after the national parks. We found that the number of bilingual positions has increased from 15 to 27. Thus the language capacity is greater than in the past. At the last inspection, Canadian Heritage was fulfilling all its official languages obligations very well; the same situation prevails today.


No recommendations are necessary.

6.2.6 Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Langley Detachment
Burolis #: 30349
October 19, 2000

Audit results

A) Active Offer

Active offer on the telephone outside business hours

The telephone number for the RCMP Langley Detachment is listed in the Vancouver telephone directory as 532-3200 (604). The office is open 24 hours a day, so it is impossible to check whether an active offer is given outside business hours.

Active offer on the telephone during business hours

When we called the above number, there was no active offer, but it was possible to obtain services in French.

Active offer in person

When we went to the reception desk, we did not receive an active offer or services in French. The manager told us that there was no active offer, and that if someone wanted services in French, the person had to wait until an officer was available. A detachment employee telephones a bilingual officer, and that person provides the service on the telephone or in person if necessary. There may be a wait of about thirty minutes.

Visibility of the official languages symbol at all times

We did not see an official languages symbol at the reception desk, or anywhere else in the Langley detachment offices.

Postings in both official languages at all times

The postings and signage are partly bilingual. Very little information in French is available. For example, at the building entrance, the hours and days of operation are posted in English only. There is also the following statement, in English only: "For confidentiality, please form a line here". The building itself is identified only in English: Langley Police Building. Inside, the temporary and permanent notices were in English only.

Availability of publications in both official languages

The documentation available was in English only; it included pamphlets on crime prevention and on the block parent program. There was no documentation in French.

Use of both official languages on the Internet site

The RCMP Internet site ( is completely bilingual. It describes the full range of services provided by Canada's national police force. In the important notices given on the first page of the site, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police issue a notice related to official languages; it says that it is "bound by the Official Languages Act and relevant Treasury Board policies and all Royal Canadian Mounted Police Site information is available in both French and English. However, users should be aware that some information on external sites to which we link is available only in the language in which it was provided."

There is a specific Internet site for the Langley Detachment: (; this site is undergoing some changes and is not currently available. The message states that the changes could take several months. The site was unilingual English.

B) Service

Nature of the services provided by the office visited

The mandate of the RCMP is based on the authority and responsibilities conferred on it by section 18 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act: enforce the laws, prevent crime, preserve peace, order and security. In Langley, the RCMP provides police services to the municipality under contract.

Existence of bilingual capacity required to provide continuous service in both official languages

The Langley Detachment has approximately 153 employees, 60 of whom are attached to the municipality. There are no positions designated as bilingual in this detachment. The manager we met said that there were bilingual employees, and that there was always one on duty on all shifts. We were told that the demand for services in French was minimal, and that most people spoke English in Langley. If necessary, the Detachment would call on interpreters in an emergency. They were not able to tell us whether any employees were taking French courses.

Presence of work tools required for provision of service in both official languages

According to the manager we met, the Detachment would take the necessary action to respond to correspondence in French. The business cards are unilingual English. The manager told us that the audit should take into account the context in Langley, where there are almost no Francophones.

Comparability of services to the public in both official languages, and availability of administrative arrangements as necessary

The services provided to the public are neither comparable nor equal in quality in both official languages, because of the waiting time and the lack of documentation in French.

C) Managers' Responsibilities

Knowledge of requirements regarding service to the public in both official languages

The manager we met was not that well aware of her official languages obligations, but she knew that the RCMP had an official languages policy.

Existence of controls to ensure service is always provided in both official languages

There are no specific controls to ensure that the service is always provided in both official languages. The manager considers that the lack of complaints constitutes a form of control.

Existence of mechanisms to assess client satisfaction

There are no mechanisms to assess client satisfaction.

Meetings with the representatives of the official language minority community

There are no contacts with the representatives of the official language minority community.

Use of the media

The Detachment hardly ever uses the media, but when its does, it is in English only.

Complaints concerning official languages

There have been no complaints concerning official languages in recent years.

Changes since the last audit

The last audit was conducted in March 1996, and at that time there was one bilingual employee in the secretarial service. Just under 20% of the officers were bilingual; that is no longer the case now. There has been no improvement in the presence of French in terms of postings, publications or active offer. Since our audit visit we have been advised that the RCMP has asked the Treasury Board for an interpretation of this office's language responsibilities, alleging that the only obligation was for the services provided at the Old Fort Langley historic site under the Official Languages Regulations for nature of the office. If the RCMP interpretation is accepted, all the elements audited at the Langley office will have to be revised. Thus the auditors are unable to make recommendations until this situation is resolved.


Because of the RCMP's request to the Treasury Board for an interpretation, the auditors are not able to make recommendations.

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