Canadian Flag   Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat


CLF - Links,

Accessibility Links
Cybersquatting Links
Important Notices Links
Navigation and Format Links
Official Languages
Relevant GoC Acts, Policies and Publications
International Standards

Accessibility Links

GoC Initiatives and Ressources

Accessibility Tools

Accessibility Techniques

W3C Techincal reports

International Accesibility Initiatives

Web Access Ressource list

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Cybersquatting Links

  • Consult InterNic for a list of accredited .com. .net and .org registrars.
  • Consult Netcraft for a list of all registered generic top level domain names under .com, .net and .org.
  • List of registered federal domain names is available from GTIS / PWGSC.
  • Consult the list of accredited .ca registrars at - Canadian Internet Registration Authority.

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Important Notices Links

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Navigation and Format Links

Metadata Information

Other Useful Metadata Information

Search Engines Information

  • Search Engine Watch
    Search Engine Watch: provides Web searching tips, review articles, popularity ratings, test and stats related to how well the various engines work, search engine tutorials, etc. This site is great for up-to-date news on changes and developments in Internet searching.
    Search Engine Showdown: provides search syntax charts, detailed reviews of tools feature by feature, analysis of database size, unique hits, dead links, etc. This site is great for help on understanding how the features of the various engines work and how to get the most out of a search of their various databases.

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Official Languages

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Relevant GoC Legislations, Policies and Publications


Treasury Board of Canada Policies

Information Management
Official Languages

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Publications

Other Publications

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International Standards

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2005-05-16
Date reviewed: 2005-04-12