Canadian Flag   Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat


Common Look and Feel Self-Assessment Guide,

Questions Only

Accessibility  Collaborative Arrangements  Cybersquatting  
E-mail  Important Notices  Official Languages


Standard 1.1 - W3C checkpoints

Does the Web site comply with all W3C Priority 1 and Priority 2 checkpoints as listed below?

W3C Priority 1 and Priority 2 Checkpoints

W3C 1.1 - text equivalents

Are text equivalents provided for every non-text element?

W3C 1.2 - server-side image maps

Are redundant text links provided for each active region of a server-side image map?

W3C 1.3 - auditory descriptions

Are auditory descriptions provided for visual tracks of multimedia presentations?

W3C 1.4 - synchronize equivalents

Are text equivalents of time-based multimedia presentations synchronized with the presentation?

W3C 2.1 - colour

Is all information conveyed with colour understood without colour?

W3C 2.2 - colour contrast

Do foreground and background colour combinations provide sufficient contrast?

W3C 3.1 - bitmap images

If an appropriate markup language exists, has it been used instead of bitmapped graphics to convey information?

W3C 3.2 - valid documents

Do documents validate to published formal grammars?

W3C 3.3 - style sheets

Are cascading style sheets (CSSs) used properly?

W3C 3.4 - units

Are relative units rather than absolute units used for attribute values and style sheet property values?

W3C 3.5 - headings

Is heading markup used according to specification and only to convey document structure?

W3C 3.6 - lists

Are lists and list items properly marked up?

W3C 3.7 - quotations

Is quotation markup used correctly?

W3C 4.1 - natural languages

Are changes in the natural language of a document's text and any text equivalents identified in the markup?

W3C 5.1 - table headers

Are row and column headers in data tables identified?

W3C 5.2 - table structure

Do data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers use markup to associate data cells and header cells?

W3C 5.3 - avoid tables for layout

If tables are necessary for layout, do they make sense when tables are linearized?

W3C 5.4 - avoid tables for format

If tables are necessary for layout, has the use of structural markup for the purpose of visual formatting been avoided?

W3C 6.1 - order style sheets

Are documents organized to make it possible to read the documents without associated style sheets?

W3C 6.2 - update dynamic content

Are equivalents for dynamic content updated when the dynamic content changes?

W3C 6.3 - programmatic objects

Question a):
Are pages usable when programmatic objects are turned off, not functioning or not supported?

Question b):
If pages are not usable, is equivalent information on an alternative accessible page provided?

W3C 6.4 - event handlers

Are event handlers input-device-independent for scripts and applets?

W3C 6.5 - accessible dynamic content

Is dynamic content accessible and, if not, is an alternative, accessible page provided?

W3C 7.1 - flickering

Have flickering screens been eliminated?

W3C 7.2 - blinking

Has blinking content been avoided, or if blinking must be used, is it controlled through a CSS?

W3C 7.3 - moving content

When a page includes moving content, is a mechanism provided within a script or applet to allow users to freeze motion or updates?

W3C 7.4 - auto-refreshing pages

Have auto-refreshing pages been eliminated?

W3C 7.5 - redirected pages

Is the server configured to perform redirects instead of using markup to redirect pages automatically?

W3C 8.1 - embedded objects

Are programmatic elements such as scripts and applets directly accessible or compatible with assistive technologies?

W3C 9.1 - client-side image maps

Are client-side image maps provided instead of server-side image maps, except in instances where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape?

W3C 9.2 - element interfaces

Can an element that has its own interface be operated in a device-independent manner?

W3C 9.3 - logical event handlers

Are logical event handlers rather than device-dependent event handlers specified for scripts?

W3C 10.1 - pop-up and new windows

Have pop-up windows been eliminated and are users informed when a new window will open?

W3C 10.2 - form controls

Are associated labels for form controls properly positioned to implicate the label with the control?

W3C 11.1 - W3C technologies

Are appropriate and current versions of W3C technologies used and are they used according to specification?

W3C 11.2 - deprecated elements

Have deprecated elements and attributes of W3C technologies been avoided?

W3C 11.4 - accessible equivalents

If an accessible page cannot be created, is fully equivalent content provided on accessible pages?

W3C 12.1 - frame titles

When frames are provided as an alternate format, is each frame titled in markup to facilitate frame identification and navigation?

W3C 12.2 - frame relationships

When frames are provided as an alternate format, is the purpose of frames and how frames relate to each other (if it is not obvious by frame titles alone) described?

W3C 12.3 - information blocks

Are large blocks of information divided into manageable groups?

W3C 12.4 - control labels

Are labels explicitly associated with their controls?

W3C 13.1 - link targets

Is the target of each link clearly identified?

W3C 13.2 - metadata

Is metadata provided?

W3C 13.3 - site maps

Is information about the general layout of a site (e.g., a site map or table of contents) provided?

W3C 13.4 - navigation

Are navigation mechanisms used in a consistent manner?

W3C 14.1 - writing styles

Is the clearest and simplest language used for the site's content?

Standard 1.2 - document technologies

Question a):
Is HTML or another W3C-recommended language the primary format for all documents?

Question b):
If a document cannot be represented in HTML or another recommended language, are users given information on how to obtain alternate versions?

Question c):
Are all Portable Document Format (PDF) documents identified and provided only as an alternate format?

Standard 1.3 - alternate formats

Is information about downloadable alternate formats available, including a description of the file type and a link to necessary viewer or reader software?

Standard 1.4 - text equivalents

Are text equivalents for all non-textual elements such as graphics, images, navigational aids and sound tracks provided?


Collaborative Arrangements

Standard 2.1 - Federal Identity Program identitifiers

Is GoC participation in a collaborative arrangement acknowledged through the prominent display of one of the FIP identifiers in a way that achieves a visual balance between the government and its partners?

Standard 2.2 - symbols

Are all icons, symbols and logos shown on the Web site either a federal identifier symbol approved by the Treasury Board for government-wide use, or identifiers or symbols required by partners within the context of a collaborative arrangement?



Standard 3.1 - domain names

Have all institutional titles and/or acronyms, including those chosen for primary URLs, been registered as Internet domain names under .com, .net and .org?



Standard 4.1 - institutional addresses

Does the Web site provide users with a means of contacting the institution or individuals via electronic mail?

Standard 4.2 - signature blocks

Question a):
Do all outgoing e-mail messages sent by GoC employees conclude with an employee signature block?

Question b):
Does contact information for e-mail addresses serving a program or a service include the institutional name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers with area code?

Standard 4.3 - "Canada" wordmark and FIP signatures for e-mail

Does outgoing e-mail sent by GoC employees consistently and correctly use the "Canada" wordmark and the FIP institutional signature?

Standard 4.4 - acknowledgements

Does the Web site have an automatic acknowledgement feature to assure users that correspondence sent to a generic, institutional or group mailbox has been received?


Important Notices

Standard 5.1 - important notices link

Do all Web pages include an "Important Notices" link that directs users to an "Important Notices" page?

Standard 5.2 - copyright notice

Is the "Copyright / Permission to Reproduce" notice included within the text of the "Important Notices" page?

Standard 5.3 - privacy notice

Is the "Privacy Notice" text included within the text of the "Important Notices" page?

Standard 5.4 - personal information

Does the Web site include a "Privacy Notice Statement" on all pages where a user is given an opportunity to provide personal information?


Navigation and Format

Standard 6.1 - common menu bar

Is the GoC Common Menu Bar used at the top of every content page in the Web site?

Standard 6.2 - institutional menu bar

Question a):
Do all Web pages incorporate an Institutional Menu Bar similar in design and placement to the Common Menu Bar?

Question b):
Does the terminology on the Institutional Menu Bar use plain language to describe the organization's program and services?

Standard 6.3 - metatags

Are the following five metatags used as the metadata standard for descriptions of Web resources: Title, Originator, Language of Resource, Date and Controlled Subject?

Standard 6.4 - date indicator

Do all Web pages have an all-numeric currency (date) indicator located at the end of a page that conforms to the ISO date standard?

Standard 6.5 - colours

Do all Web sites use only the standard 216-Web-safe colours for Web site elements?

Standard 6.6 - frames

Are frames used only as an alternate format?

Standard 6.7 - Web analyzer tools

Is a Web analyzer tool being used to collect site usage data?

Standard 6.8 - validators

Have the HTML of new and old Web pages been validated with an HTML validator?


Official Languages

Standard 7.1 - domain names

Do registered domain names meet official languages requirements?

Standard 7.2 - welcome pages

Question a):
Does the Web site's Welcome Page at the main point of entry conform to FIP standards?

Question b):
Do Welcome Pages used at a sub-site level conform to the same requirements as Welcome Pages at the main point of entry to a site?

Question c):
Are all elements of the Welcome Page viewable without scrolling in a 640 x 480 pixel screen?

Standard 7.3 - "Canada" wordmark and signatures

Do all Web pages contain properly placed images of the "Canada" wordmark and the institutional signature?

Standard 7.4 - unilingual welcome page message

Do unilingual Welcome Pages include a bilingual message about where services can be obtained in the other official language?

Standard 7.5 - language choice

Does the Web site allow users to proceed through it in the language of their choice?

Standard 7.6 - server messages languages

Do messages generated by the Web server comply with official language requirements?

Standard 7.7 - text equivalent languages

Are text equivalents given in the language of the Web page in which they are embedded?

Standard 7.8 - metatag languages

Do the mandatory elements that make up the metatag for a Web page as per Standard 6.3 correspond to the page's official language?

Standards 7.9 - collaborate arrangements languages

Do Web sites representing a collaborative arrangement comply with official languages requirements?

Standard 7.10 - e-mail addresses

Do e-mail addresses for all employees correspond to the institution's chosen bilingual domain name?

Government of Canada
Last updated: 2004-03-08
Date reviewed: 2001-06-04