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Cadence submission guidelines


Cadence is a magazine for the professional development of leaders of the cadet program.

Primary audiences: CIC officers and civilian instructors at the local level.

Articles aimed at primary audience may be of interest to one or several of the secondary audiences: senior cadets; sponsoring, parent and civilian committees; league members; and CF members including CIC officers working at the regional and national levels.


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Articles submitted for publication in Cadence should relate to professional development. How will other leaders benefit? What can they learn from the article you have written? Giving local instructors the information and tools that will help them be better youth leaders and CF officers and be more successful with the implementation of the cadet program.

Six to ten pages of each issue of Cadence is reserved for a specific theme. Upcoming themes are published in Cadence and on the national cadet website at We welcome your stories ideas or suggestions for upcoming themes.

Readers are encouraged to share ideas, concerns and best practices that offer examples which may be used as case studies. Content suggestions are welcome, however, not all submissions will be published.

Anyone involved with the cadet program, including cadets, volunteers, parents, CF members and members of the leagues may submit content for Cadence.

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Regular sections of Cadence include:

Opening Notes: A section dedicated to introducing the theme of an issue and relating this theme to the overall aims and vision of the cadet program.

Mail Bag: A section for letters to the editor. Letters will be considered for publication providing they are signed and are not libellous, obscene or offensive. Whenever possible, Cadence endeavours to respond to issues raised in letters published under Mail Bag.

March Past: A section aimed at delivering "news" relating to policy changes and other issues of interest to the leaders of the cadet program. Items may include a photo. Articles should be in line with the overall objectives of the editorial policy. (Examples: success stories of CIC, remarkable achievement, change/update in policy, date for national event, etc.)

Viewpoint: A section where opinions relating to leadership issues or other topics of concern are invited. Viewpoint is intended for, but not limited to, local level articles.

Forum: A section for sharing ideas, best practices and lessons learned from local, regional or national levels.

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Write in "plain" English or French.

Keep acronyms to a minimum and always spell them out on initial mention.

Sentences should be relatively short and uncomplicated. Limit the use of capital letters.

Use a vocabulary that will be understood by the readership. Statistics show that most Canadians read at a high school level.

When making the initial reference to a person, include the person's first name, not the initials. Thereafter, a person is referred to as Mr., Mrs. Dr., Col., and so on, with the last name. (Note: For Cadence, ranks are always abbreviated using the military style. For example, LCdr versus Lt. Cdr.)

Use quotes, anecdotes and examples. They "warm up" an article, making it more personable and interesting to read.

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Feature articles (relating to theme) may be 500 to 1000 words. A thousand-word article will normally be a two-page article in the magazine. Articles of less than 1000 words allow greater flexibility in design and are therefore preferred. Articles greater than 1000 words will be edited down.

Articles for the March Past section should be between 100 to 300 words.

The preferred length for Forum articles is 500 words.

When articles are much longer than these standards, it becomes difficult during editing to maintain the integrity and style of the author.


Submitting an article as soon as possible after an event increases its chance of publication, keeping in mind that Cadence is published three times a year.

To increase the possibility of your article being published, you should inform the editor of your intention to submit an article at least two weeks in advance of the established deadlines.

Photo requirements

  • A variety of photos can be used for Cadence. Most important are photos of officers and civilian instructors; officers and/or civilian instructors with cadets. Any training photo.
  • Ideal: a CD of photos from your summer training centre at the end of your summer. However, photos by e-mail throughout the summer would be wonderful.
  • As 'natural' as possible. Real situations, action shots. Not grip and grins or posing and looking at the camera. Not parade shots, unless they're amazing, or unique.
  • Close-up and personal.
  • Horizontals AND verticals.
  • Digital photos and hard copy photos are accepted.
  • Colour photos are preferred, but black and white photos are acceptable.

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Digital photos

A small original means a small image, which will probably not be usable in the magazine.

The ideal for photos is 4" x 6" at 300 dpi. (This would be approximately 14.5 x 22 at 72 dpi.). A setting of 1200 x 1800 pixels (highest setting on an average digital camera) will produce photos of this quality. Files saved as .eps and .png may be used.

Always take photos at the highest setting. (We have used photos taken at 760 x 1020 pixels. They are 400 Kb files, but when converted for use in the magazine they end up being 3.5" x 2.5" shots at 300 dpi (the resolution we need). If we enlarge these photos, the resolution diminishes and we lose quality.)

When saved, the file size of a photo should be a minimum of 400 Kb. Anything smaller may look okay on your computer screen; however it is too small for magazine use. In this case, bigger is better.

Save the photos as medium- to high-quality .jpeg images. This compresses the file and makes it easier to store and easier to send photo by e-mail. Larger files should be zipped if sent electronically. They can also be saved on a floppy disk, zip disk or CD and sent through the mail.

Normally, digital photos cannot be used for either cover, or full-page photos in the magazine. (The exception is if you are shooting with a very high quality, professional digital camera and can shoot an image of 3MB or higher)

Never import and save digital images into a Microsoft Word/Word Perfect file! Always save photos as .jpeg/jpg files.

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Hard copy photos

Hard copy photos are ideal for cover/full page shots—or for anywhere in the magazine.

Cover shots must be vertical. It is rare that a horizontal shot can be cropped appropriately for the front cover. Be sure there is space at the top of a photo for the Masthead (Cadence).

If you are not sure whether your hard copy photo is appropriate for a cover, or for inside, scan it and send it by e-mail. Scan photo at 200-300%, but keep the resolution at 300 dpi. The scan will tell me if the photo is cover-quality. If it is, the hard copy photo is needed for the final layout.

Hard copy photos are still best for quality of publication.

Web photos

We rarely use photos downloaded from the Web. Normally, they are too small and their quality is not high enough.

If you post photos on a web site, advise the editor of the site. Editor can check the site and determine whether or not a photo can be used in the magazine.

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Bylines (credits) will be given to writers/photographers. When sending submissions, contributors should include their full name, position, phone number, or Internet e-mail address for editor follow-up.

Publication dates

Cadence is published three times a year. Fall issue (end of September); winter issue (end of December/January); spring issue (mid-April).


Articles and photos for publication should be sent electronically to the editor:

Marsha Scott
48 Harmony Drive, SS1
Niagara-on-the-Lake ON L0S 1JO
(905) 468-9371

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