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Physical well-being


Physical Well-being - Keeping teen minds and bodies healthy
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Physical Well-being
PDF Version In this Issue
PDF Version Opening Notes, Letters
PDF Version New and Notes
PDF Version Physical Well-being. A healthy mind and body
PDF Version Cadet Program Mandate = Aim + mission + vision + participant outcomes
PDF Version Framework Shift
PDF Version Cadets 2012
PDF Version Cadet Program Actvities
PDF Version Interactive Learning - in or outside the classroom
PDF Version Problem Behaviour in the Classroom

PDF Version Orienteering: A best-kept secret?

PDF Version New policies have positive impact

PDF Version Strategies for Recruiting in schools

PDF Version Retaining New Recruits

PDF Version University Courses for CIC officers

PDF Version A collective national voice

PDF Version Cadet Evaluation Reports

PDF Version Honours and Awards - Take the time to nominate someone

PDF Version The Ipsos Reid Survey - now what?

PDF Version Viewpoint - Co-operation between sea cadet and Navy League cadet corps


Download entire issue in PDF format (2.7Mb)