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World Class Performance and Safety
AECL Track Record – On Time, On Budget
Economic Benefits of CANDU
Proven Technology
CANDU – Strengthening Canada’s R&D and Innovation Agendas
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World Class Performance and Safety

  • AECL’s CANDU 6 reactors are operated in five countries around the world by six different utilities and have consistently achieved outstanding performance track records. 
  • The CANDU 6 fleet ranks well ahead of the competition in the international marketplace with an average lifetime capacity factor of 88% (based on 2004 data).
  • In 2003, the top three CANDU 6 units achieved an average 97% capacity factor.
  • In Korea, where CANDU 6 and other nuclear technologies are operated by the same utility using standardized practices and processes, the CANDU 6 fleet outperforms other reactor types with a lifetime capacity factor of 92.2%.  Three of these CANDU 6 units were in the top 10 best performing reactors in the world during the last decade.

Click to enlarge Performance Chart

Other Top Performing
CANDU Units – Ontario, 2005
CANDU Unit           Capacity Factor
Bruce 8 99.4%
Darlington 3 98.7%
Pickering 7 97.8%
Darlington 1 96.1%
Pickering 8 93.6%
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