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AECL’s Hugh Clarke ‘takes it all off’ for the Cancer Society

Chalk River, 2006 June 02 — Hugh Clarke, supervisor of Site Support Services at Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) has taken a bit off the top in an effort to raise money for the Cancer Society. In fact he has shaved his head bald – to the tune of $3,510.53.

AECL’s Hugh Clarke ‘takes it all off’ for the Cancer Society

Louise Rice, DOMUS supervisor, Kathy Kennedy, Canadian Cancer Society, Carolyn Henderson, AECL, and Tina Noseworthy, Superlook Salon were all on hand for Hugh's haircut and cheque presentation. Kathy also presented Hugh with a certificate and a hat from the Cancer Society in appreciation of his efforts.

“I have lost a number of friends and family to cancer,” says Hugh. “I felt like I needed to contribute, not just as a tribute to the loved-ones I have lost, but to bring hope to others, that they might have a fighting chance. I never thought I would get such an overwhelming response from the staff here at AECL.”

All told, about 200 AECL employees turned out for the spectacle, which was held outside of the site cafeteria at lunchtime. Someone in the crowd suggested shaving his eyebrows too – never one to turn down a challenge, Hugh answered back with “$100 an eyebrow.” The crowd was all too willing and quickly filled a hat with more than $275. Needless to say, Hugh is now brow-less.

“What Hugh is doing is a wonderful and selfless act in support of meaningful cause,” says Kimberly Smyth, AECL employee. This is a cause close to Kim’s heart; she recently won her battle with cancer and is now in remission. “There are no words to describe how I feel when I hear about an event like this. To give something of yourself in order to bring hope to others – it’s just amazing. We are lucky to have so many generous people willing to get involved.”

The biggest contributor to the cause was DOMUS, the independent contractor who looks after site janitorial services. Their big-hearted contribution of $1000 was a great start to the campaign. Other major contributors included Superlook Salon and Spa, Pete’s Sales and Service, and Gagnon Sports, among others.

“We were more than happy to sponsor Hugh and the Cancer Society”, says Louise Rice, DOMUS supervisor. “The fight against cancer touches us all in some way, and is a cause to which both our head office and staff are proud to contribute.”

This event coincides with the Cancer Society’s 6th Annual “Relay for Life.” This major fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society is a celebration to remember those who have beaten cancer as well as those who have valiantly lost their battles.

“We appreciate all of the donations we can get, and what Hugh has done is incredible,” says Kathy Kennedy, Renfrew County Unit Manager of the Canadian Cancer Society. “All of the money raised will go to support community programs and research – both very necessary in the fight against cancer.”

The Relay for Life is being held on Friday, June 2, at Dundonald Hall in Petawawa. The 12-hour celebration begins with the opening ceremonies at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evening. All Renfrew County survivors are invited to walk the opening lap while a list of all names are read. The Relay begins after that with each team having one member on the track at all times.

Later in the evening, a special luminary celebration is held. The track is lined with candles, each one marking the name of a survivor or someone who has passed on. The luminaries remain lit all night.

“The relay is a fun, yet meaningful way to contribute to the Cancer Society,” says Kevin Blimkie, an AECL employee who has been involved with the relay for the past five years, and is a member of this year’s ‘Tie-Dyed Titans’ relay team. “It also shows strength and solidarity in the face of the disease. We will eventually beat this thing.”

About AECL

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) is a fully integrated nuclear technology and services company providing services to nuclear utilities worldwide. Our 4,000 employees are dedicated to delivering leading edge nuclear services, R&D support, design and engineering, construction management, specialized technology and waste management and decommissioning in support of CANDU reactor products. CANDU reactors supply about 16% of Canada’s electricity and are an important component of clean-air energy programs on four continents. AECL is a crown corporation that was established in 1952 to develop peaceful applications of nuclear energy.


For more information, contact:

Dawn Marrs
Site and Community Affairs Coordinator, AECL
Tel.: 613-584-8283

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