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Waste Management and Decommissioning
Sustainable Development

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TourAECL is committed to developing and maintaining solid, long-term relationships with all of our stakeholders. These include the local communities where we work, the communities we do business with, as well as the public at large. We are committed to communicating in a timely manner and exchanging information through consultation and collaboration and we recognize the importance of listening to our stakeholders and working with them to resolve their concerns. Only through the strong support of our communities will we be able to supply our customers with the nuclear products and services they need, while contributing to a strong economy, a clean environment and a healthy society.
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Community Enquiries
Donna Roach, Manager, Community Relations
Phone: (613) 584-8282
Toll free: 1-800-364-6989

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Community Speakers' Program
Invite an AECL employee to speak to your group about CANDU.