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ACR-1000 (Advanced CANDU Reactor)
CANDU Reactors

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ACR-1000 (Advanced CANDU Reactor)

Two-unit ACR-1000 plantAECL is developing the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) to meet customer requirements for the emerging nuclear market over the next 20 years of sales. The ACR-1000 is an evolutionary, Generation III+, 1200 MWe class pressure tube reactor, designed to meet industry and public expectations for safe, reliable, environmentally friendly, low-cost nuclear generation. The ACR-1000 is designed for a 2016 in-service date, and is currently undergoing a pre-licensing review in Canada.

The Generation III+ ACR-1000 is aimed to meet more demanding requirements than existing CANDU reactors, particularly in regard to:

  • Enhanced passive safety
  • Competitive economics
  • Designed for operability and maintainability

At the same time, the ACR-1000 is being developed as a logical evolutionary step from today’s CANDU technology, to take advantages of the benefits of this technology, in particular the success of AECL’s flagship CANDU 6 design.

With a 60-year design life, the ACR-1000 reactor core consists of fuel and light-water coolant in pressure tubes with a heavy water moderator. Evolved from the well-established CANDU line of reactors, the ACR-1000 benefits from valuable project-based experience in the design, construction and operation of CANDU plants for utilities around the globe. The ACR-1000 reactor incorporates and retains the proven CANDU strengths:

  • Modular, compact, horizontal fuel channel core
  • Separate low temperature and pressure moderator
  • Reactor vault filled with light water surrounding the core
  • On-power refuelling
  • Enhanced passive safety
  • Two independent safety shutdown systems
  • Increased coolant system and turbine pressure to increase the overall thermal efficiency of the power plant
  • Reactor building access for on-power maintenance.
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ACR Technical Summary - Please contact for your copy of the ACR Technical Summary, or more information on ACR-1000.