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Alphabetical List of Endowments and Prizes

  • Bell Canada Award in Video Art

    The $10,000 Bell Canada Award in Video Art is given annually to a Canadian video artist who has made an exceptional contribution to the advancement of the art form through videos, video installations or Web-based video art.

  • Bernard Diamant Prize

    The Bernard Diamant Prize, worth $5,000, offers professional Canadian classical singers under age 35 an opportunity to pursue their career through further studies.

  • Canada-Japan Literary Awards

    The Canada-Japan Literary Awards recognize literary excellence by Canadian writers who are writing on Japan, Japanese themes, or themes that promote mutual understanding between Japan and Canada or by Canadian translators of such books from Japanese into English or French.

  • CBC Literary Awards

    These awards give writers and the Council high visibility with intelligent Canadian readers from coast to coast.

  • CBC Radio Competition for Amateur Choirs

    The Canada Council for the Arts contributes $30,000 every two years to the CBC to administer the competition.

  • CBC Young Composers Competition

    The competition is open to composers under the age of 30 in three specific categories: chamber music, electronic music and works for orchestras.

  • Coburn Fellowships

    As a result of a bequest from the late Kathleen Coburn, up to three $20,000 fellowships are awarded annually to Canadian and Israeli students, studying in the fields of fine arts or humanities, to study on a reciprocal basis.

  • Duke and Duchess of York Prize in Photography

    The Duke and Duchess of York Prize was endowed by the Government of Canada in 1986 on the occasion of Prince Andrew's marriage.

  • Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition

    The Canada Council for the Arts provides assistance in the amount of $8,000 towards the cost of administering the competition and of a national concert tour for the winner.

  • Governor General’s Medals in Architecture

    The Governor General’s Medals in Architecture recognize and celebrate outstanding design in recently completed built projects by Canadian architects.

  • Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts

    The Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts have been created jointly by the Canada Council for the Arts and His Excellency the Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc, Governor General of Canada.

  • Governor General's Literary Awards

    Canada's national literary awards

  • Healey Willan Prize

    The $5,000 Healey Willan Prize is awarded every two years to the amateur choir judged the best, the most promising or the most improved choir.

  • J.B.C. Watkins Award

    A bequest from the estate of the late John B.C. Watkins, this award provides fellowships to professional Canadian artists who are pursuing graduate studies, and who are graduates of a Canadian university, postsecondary art institution or training school. Preference is given to those who wish to carry out their postgraduate study in any country other than Canada.

  • Jacqueline Lemieux Prize

    The Jacqueline Lemieux Prize, valued at $6,000, is awarded to the most deserving applicants in the Dance Section's Grants to Dance Professionals Program.

  • Japan-Canada Fund

    The Japan-Canada Fund was created in 1988 through a gift of almost one million dollars from the Government of Japan to the Canada Council for the Arts to reinforce ties between the arts communities of the two countries.

  • Jean-Marie Beaudet Award in Orchestra Conducting

    Worth $1,000, the Jean-Marie Beaudet Award is given annually to a young Canadian orchestra conductor selected by the Music Advisory Committee of the Music Section of the Canada Council from among the staff conductors with Canadian orchestras.

  • John G. Diefenbaker Award

    The John G. Diefenbaker Award is funded by an endowment given to the Canada Council for the Arts by the Government of Canada.

  • John Hirsch Prize

    Made possible by the bequest from the estate of the late John Hirsch, the $6,000 prize is a tribute to the extraordinary contribution Hirsch made to theatre in Canada, most notably as founder of the Manitoba Theatre Centre, head of drama for the CBC television and artistic director of the Stratford Festival.

  • John Hobday Awards in Arts Management

    Two $10,000 awards presented each year to senior and mid-career arts managers for professional development or mentorship.

  • Joseph S. Stauffer Prizes

    Each year the Canada Council designates up to three Canadian artists who have been awarded an individual arts grant, one in each of the fields of music, visual arts and literature, as winners of the Joseph S. Stauffer Prizes.

  • Jules Léger Prize for New Chamber Music

    Established in 1978 by the Right Honourable Jules Léger, then Governor General of Canada, the Jules Léger Prize is a $7,500 national award designed to encourage Canadian composers to write for chamber music groups and to foster the performance of Canadian chamber music by these groups.

  • Killam Program

    The Killam Prizes are awarded annually to distinguished Canadian scholars in the fields of health sciences, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities.

  • Molson Prizes

    Two prizes of $50,000 each are awarded annually to distinguished Canadians, one in the arts and the other in the social sciences and humanities.

  • Musical Instrument Bank

    The Canada Council for the Arts Musical Instrument Bank was created in 1985 to acquire quality stringed instruments to be loaned to established or gifted young musicians who are about to embark on an international solo or chamber music career.

  • Peter Dwyer Scholarships

    The Peter Dwyer Scholarships, totalling $20,000, are awarded annually to the most promising students at the National Ballet School and the National Theatre School.

  • Petro-Canada Award in New Media

    The Petro-Canada Award in New Media was endowed by Petro-Canada in 1987 to celebrate the centenary of engineering in Canada. The $10,000 award is given every three years to a professional Canadian artist who has demonstrated outstanding and innovative use of new technology in the media arts.

  • Prix de Rome in Architecture

    The Canada Council for the Arts Prix de Rome in Architecture encourages the development of artistic excellence in contemporary architectural practice with two prizes: Professional Prix de Rome in Architecture and Prix de Rome in Architecture-Emerging Practitioners.

  • Robert Fleming Prize

    The $2,000 Robert Fleming Prize, which is intended to encourage the careers of young creators of music, is awarded annually in memory of Robert Fleming to the most talented Canadian music composer in the grant competition for composers in classical music.

  • Ronald J. Thom Award for early Design Achievement

    The $10,000 Ronald J. Thom Award is given every two years to a Canadian citizen in the early stages of his or her career who demonstrates both outstanding creative talent and exceptional potential in architectural design.

  • Saidye Bronfman Award

    The Saidye Bronfman Award is Canada's foremost distinction for excellence in the fine crafts.

  • Sylva Gelber Foundation Award

    The Sylva Gelber Foundation Award is given annually to the most talented Canadian artist under the age of 30 in the grants to individuals competition for performers in classical music.

  • The Virginia-Parker Prize

    A sum of approximately $25,000 is awarded annually to a young Canadian classical musician, instrumentalist or conductor who has received a Canada Council grant from a Council juried program.

  • Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards

    The Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards, worth $15,000, are awarded annually starting in 2005 for outstanding artistic achievement by Canadian mid-career artists in the disciplines of Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts and Writing and Publishing.

  • Vida Peene Awards

    Awards are made annually to 8 specified organizations through investment earnings from an endowment of almost $600,000.

  • Walter Carsen Prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts

    The Walter Carsen Prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts, worth $30,000 annually, recognizes the highest level of artistic excellence and distinguished career in the performing arts.

  • York Wilson Endowment Award

    The York Wilson Endowment Award enables Canadian art museums and public art galleries to purchase original works by living, contemporary Canadian painters and sculptors.