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Public Equities
Asset Mix - Publicly Traded Equities

Our public equity investments of $60.3 billion are broadly diversified across more than 2,000 international and 600 Canadian public companies.

Our primary approach to equity investing is to create a portfolio that replicates the composition of major stock markets. Replicating broad market indexes is a cost effective approach and makes the CPP Investment Board a universal investor with long-term holdings in virtually all publicly traded companies in the major developed markets around the world.

In addition, our active overlay program places a layer of active selection over our public equity portfolio of more than 2,600 public companies. Under this program, external managers sell securities that they expect to under perform and invest in securities that they expect to do well.

Through our Public Market Investments department, we also manage a global portfolio of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

Public Market Investments Contact:

Daniel Chiu, Director - Capital markets
+1 416-868-4021 

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