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Measha Brueggergosman

Bernard Diamant Prize winner / soprano Measha Brueggergosman (photo: Steve Payne)

Artist Profiles and Success Stories

Measha Brueggergosman is a talented young soprano from Fredericton, New Brunswick. According to the Halifax Herald, "she is an actress to her fingertips, with an acute, intuitive sense of the dramatic moment in a song." In 2002, she was the first-ever recipient of the Bernard Diamant Prize, an award that allows young classical music performers to pursue their careers through further education. Canada Council funds gave her the opportunity to study at the Hochschule für Musik Augsburg in Germany. She has performed with symphony orchestras in Stuttgart, Bonn, Toronto, Cincinnati and Ottawa.

In 2002-2003, Brueggergosman was awarded a $20,000 grant through the Council’s Grants to Professional Musicians (Classical Music) Program.