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 DSL/NDSL Database

The Domestic Substances List (DSL) and the Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL) were created in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) by Environment Canada.

The DSL defines "existing" substances for the purposes of implementing CEPA and is the sole basis for determining whether a substance is "existing" or "new" to Canada. The NDSL specifies substances, other than those on the DSL, that were in world commerce, but not in Canada, and is based on the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) 1985 inventory compiled for the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Substances that are not on the DSL may require notification and assessment before they can be manufactured or imported into Canada. Substances on the NDSL have different notification requirements. The database is useful for chemical manufacturers, suppliers and importers who may potentially have to submit information under CEPA, government regulators and enforcers, and regulatory compliance specialists.

Records are in English. The French version of this database is LI/EDS.


Database Highlights

  • over 71,500 records
  • detailed identification information, including substance definitions for chemicals of unknown or variable composition or biological materials (UVCB), synonyms and record type (domestic or non-domestic; confidential or non-confidential)
  • Canada Gazette dates and registration information
  • updated as new data becomes available from Environment Canada



DSL/NDSL is available:

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