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Industry Statistics
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January 2006

Net sales of all funds:

$2.1 billion

Net new sales (excl.reinv.distr.):

$1.6 billion

Reinvested Distributions:

$533.1 million

Assets under administration:

$587.3 billion

Unitholder accounts:

47.9 million

January 2006 Estimate

last updated: February 15, 2006
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Your Money, Your Future Seminars

IFIC and World's Biggest Bookstore (Toronto) are teaming up to offer
free educational seminars to the public on Tuesday, January 24th and Thursday, January 26th.

Protection of Mutual Fund Investments

Mutual fund assets are safeguarded in unique ways.

NEW! IFIC Communications Toolbox for Advisors

On the Member Services web page, IFIC now offers a section called Communications Toolbox for Advisors aimed at helping advisors build business through clear, investor-friendly and informative communications. We're starting off with a five-part series on RRSPs. The series includes articles on the basic advantages of using this tax-sheltered savings vehicle, investing in mutual funds, RRIFs, how to plan for the future and the different kinds of risks involved in any kind of investing. These articles can provide you with an easy way to communicate to investors requesting written material on general topics dealing with RRSPs.

Market Timing Update, March 17, 2005

In December 2004, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) announced it had completed its investigation into possible late trading and market timing activities of mutual fund companies in Canada.

The year-long investigation found no instances of late trading among the companies, no insider abuses and no systematic market timing. Any market timing that was discovered had been shut down by the time the investigation started, said the OSC.

As a result of settlement agreements with the OSC in late 2004 and early 2005, five fund companies will distribute a total of $205.6 million to unitholders of funds affected by market timing. Three investment dealers and one mutual fund dealer have entered into similar settlement agreements regarding market timing activity with, respectively, the Investment Dealers Association of Canada and the Mutual Fund Dealers Association.

On March 17, 2005, the OSC released a report on its investigation ( outlining how the investigation was conducted and proposed best practices. The guidelines were similar to those released on August 24, 2004 by The Investment Funds Institute of Canada in its news release and Report on Market Timing and Short Term Trading.

Last Updated: January 20, 2006

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