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12.16.04 – Auditor General’s Award for Excellence in Annual Reporting

For the second year in a row, CCC has received the Auditor General of Canada’s Award for Excellence in Annual Reporting among smaller Crown Corporations. The winner in the large Crown Corporation category was Export Development Canada.

The Award was launched in 1994 to recognize and reward exemplary achievement in annual reporting among Crown corporations, as well as to promote better performance reporting within this community.

International Trade Minister James Peterson also acknowledged CCC’s achievement.

CCC’s 2003-2004 Annual Report

12.03.04 – Successful trade mission to Brazil

“Brazil is a gateway to South America and this mission has allowed us to build bridges for the long term,” said International Trade Minister James Peterson, at the conclusion of a recent trade mission to the country. CCC President Hugh O’Donnell, who participated in the trade mission, was excited to see Canadian companies taking a good hard look at the potential of this market. “There is definite interest in having Canadians partner for infrastructure programs based on a successful model CCC brought to a project in Ecuador.”

11.26.04 - 10th Summit of La Francophonie

On November 26 and 27, Prime Minister Paul Martin participated in the 10th Summit of La Francophonie in Burkina Faso. CCC successfully supported the logistical requirements for the Summit with the procurement of a range of Canadian products and services for security, communications, and health requirements, as well as training services. As executing agency, CCC assisted the Government of Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and Canadian International Development Agency meet commitments to the Government of Burkina Faso.

10.29.04 - $1 billion in export sales won

CCC clients used CCC services to close more than $1 billion in export sales to date this year. With five more months to go before the end of the current fiscal year, CCC is confident that the volume of Canadian exports facilitated by CCC will easily surpass its most optimistic estimates. “That CCC clients have achieved such great results--in record time this year--while facing a rising Canadian dollar shows the adaptability of Canadian exporters facing difficult situations. CCC is looking forward to continuing to assist its clients to win export contracts in markets throughout the world,” mentioned the President of CCC, Mr. J. Hugh O’Donnell.

10.21.04 - Launch of work on National Oncology Centre for Trinidad and Tobago

CCC’s client, Comprehensive Care International (CCI) was given the go-ahead by the Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Health to start the work on a National Oncology Centre and on the development of a National Oncology Programme.

The contract won by Comprehensive Care International is for the design, specification and equipment for an Oncology Centre and the development and implementation of the National Oncology Programme for Trinidad and Tobago.

10.08.04 - CCC Annual Report

I’m proud of how we help Canadian exporters win business around the world. In growing numbers, exporting companies are turning to CCC’s business solutions to help them grow their business. We worked with Canadian exporters to win $1.144 billion in new business last year – sales of innovative Canadian products and services.

Our track record speaks for itself. For more information, download our latest Annual Report.

Explore the benefits of making CCC a partner in your next export deal.

J. Hugh O’Donnell

10.05.04 - Strategic alliance with Government of Paraguay

CCC opened the door to a potential market for Canadian exporters and the products and services they produce, with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Paraguay.

On October 5, 2004, Paraguay’s Minister of Finance Dionisio Borda and CCC’s Corporate Counsel Tamara Parschin-Rybkin, on behalf of Corporation President Hugh O’Donnell, signed the MOU establishing a strategic alliance with Paraguay.

The agreement means CCC’s role as prime contractor and procurement agent is now recognized by the Government of Paraguay, thus allowing CCC to bid on government procurement opportunities and undertake business on a government-to-government basis. The agreement gives permission for CCC to share information on potential projects in Paraguay with Canadian companies in order to establish consortia and develop proposals for responding to procurement opportunities that arise.

10.04.04 - CME Annual Conference and Tradeshow

CCC is pleased to support the 2004 Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) Annual Conference and Tradeshow—Nov 17-18, 2004. Join us at the Innovation and Exports Conference and Tradeshow where CCC will be presenting Boost Your Win Probability with SourceCAN Leads and CCC Export Contracting Expertise. When you start your sales process with a good, qualified lead, you're one step closer to success. CCC's partnership in SourceCAN helps you zero in on the right opportunities for your company then gives you access to expert advice on how to turn those opportunities into contracts.

For more information http://www.innovationexports.ca/e/

09.20.04 - AIAC Annual General Meeting

CCC is a proud supporter of the 2004 Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) Annual General Meeting--Sep 20-21, 2004. The New Growth Opportunities, New Challenges conference focuses on new business opportunities as well as illuminating the public policy implications for Canada of changing global market dynamics. What will it take for Canada to retain its aerospace technological leadership, to provide adequate export sales financing capacity, to optimize Canadian participation in international civil aviation, defence and space programs, to fully exploit Canadian industrial capabilities in meeting Canada's national security needs?

For more information http://www.aiac.ca/agm_site/

09.18.04 - NRC Security Technology Mission

CCC participates in National Research Council Canada's Security Technology Mission to China--Sep 18-30, 2004. The objective of the mission is to gain insight into China's demand for security technologies in general, and specifically for the 2008 Olympic Games (Beijing) and the 2010 World Expo (Shanghai). Canadian exporters will be matched with qualified Chinese technology partners, agents, distributors, representatives, licensees, and clients in the security-related sector.

09.13.04 - Canada-Arab Business Council

Mr. J. Hugh O'Donnell, President of CCC, introduces keynote speaker The Honourable James Scott Peterson, Minister of International Trade at the gala reception hosted by the Canada-Arab Business Council and the Arab Ambassadors in Canada. This event will focus on the importance of two-way trade and investment between Canada and the Arab World. It will bring together business leaders and senior level decision-makers from across Canada to reinforce existing partnerships as well as forge new alliances to take advantage of the economic opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa.

For more information http://www.canada-arabbusiness.org/cgi-bin/home.pl

09.07.04 - Federal Government Procurement Conference of the Americas

CCC and the U.S. General Services Administration are organizing the first ever Federal Government Procurement Conference of the Americas. Learn more about government procurement and how to use it to your advantage.

For more information www.fgpca2004.com

08.19.04 - Louisiana Airport Authority

J. Hugh O'Donnell, President of CCC, signs Protocol of Intent with Glen Smith, Chairman of the Louisiana Airport Authority. At the Louisiana Airport Authority's request, CCC identified Canadian companies that could be involved in the development of a cargo airport outside Donaldsonville, Louisiana. These include the SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., Aecon Group Inc., and Marshal Macklin Monahan. Negotiations will begin on Phase I – Project Preparation.

For more information http://www.la-airportauthority.com/

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