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What we do

We network. We negotiate. We advise. And when we're involved in a deal, we strengthen the competitive position of Canada's exporters with a powerful Government guarantee of contract performance. It's an exceptional advantage that gives foreign buyers peace of mind, and gives Canadian businesses the confidence and credibility they need to succeed.

Facilitating trade

CCC plays a broad role in the Government of Canada's public policy agenda. We give Canadian businesses access to international opportunities. We facilitate trade with buyers in other countries—primarily in public-sector markets. We level the playing field for Canada 's exporters. Imperfect competition is often encountered in government procurement markets due to regulatory complexity, internal policies and informal barriers.

CCC helps Canadian companies access the US$5.5 trillion foreign government procurement market and win contracts on the best possible terms and conditions. Without CCC, many of these markets would be inaccessible to Canadian companies. More specifically, CCC's ability to sign a government-to-government contract simplifies decision-making in many countries and provides a powerful guarantee of contract performance to the buyer.

CCC was created with a decidedly international market focus to help Canadian companies access worldwide opportunities. By maintaining that focus as we go forward, we reaffirm our fundamental mandate and actively support the Government of Canada's endeavor to diversify trade beyond the United States.

Supporting the North American industrial base

Historically, the most important single market for CCC has been the United States; we contribute significantly to the Government of Canada's priority of working with the United States to address the security needs of both countries1. CCC serves as custodian of the 1956 Defence Production Sharing Arrangement (DPSA) between Canada and the United States, which was established to ensure the most effective use of U.S. and Canadian defence-related industrial capabilities. The DPSA is widely recognized as the cornerstone of the North American military industrial base and has served as the focal point of the bilateral North American Defence Industrial Base Organization (NADIBO), now the North American Technology and Industrial Base Organization (NATIBO).

Accordingly, CCC acts as Canada 's contracting instrument in supporting the procurement needs of the U.S. Department of Defense (US DoD) and many U.S. prime contractors. In times of crisis or conflict, CCC can be called upon (as was the case during the 1990-91 Persian Gulf Crisis) to support the industrial mobilization of Canadian sources of supply in keeping with Canada's obligations to the United States under the DPSA.

The post-September 11th environment, particularly in the United States , makes the Defence Production Sharing Arrangement an even more strategic link between Canada and its neighbour to the South. The DPSA provides a platform into a market that—even as it faces rising calls for protectionism—is increasing its appetite for goods and services that Canadians can deliver competitively.

CCC is focused on pressing its natural advantage in this market on behalf of Canadian companies, specifically when dealing with traditional U.S. federal government organizations such as Defense, NASA and Coast Guard, and with new organizations such as the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. General Services Administration.

Helping companies export successfully

Assisting small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) remains a policy priority for the Government of Canada. CCC contributes directly to this overall government commitment by providing export-related assistance and advice to SMEs. Even with technology or product superiority, smaller firms often lack the reputation, experience and financial base to compete effectively in worldwide markets. CCC's knowledge of the challenging international business environment—along with its ability to guarantee contract performance—provides effective support for the government's policy thrust.

1) 2002 Speech from the Throne

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