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Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement

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Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement

Defense-related procurement from Canada made easy

As a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contracting specialist, you have access to free procurement assistance available from the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC). CCC is mandated to assist the U.S. DoD in defense-related procurement from Canadian suppliers.

Why you should consider CCC

  • Broaden your supply base CCC makes sure that all interested and able Canadian suppliers are informed of your requirement through our electronic opportunity-matching service—SourceCAN, helping to ensure the most competitive pricing.

  • Qualified suppliers only CCC reviews a Canadian supplier’s technical, managerial and financial capabilities to deliver on spec, on time, and on budget.

  • Price certified “fair and reasonable” CCC undertakes price analysis to ensure the offering price is fair and reasonable according to the Cost and Profit Policy of the Government of Canada.

  • Contract performance monitoring CCC monitors the quality and progress of the work on your requirement, including coordinating inspections, verifications and acceptance by Defense Contract Management Americas, to ensure successful delivery.

  • Reduce the administration burden CCC verifies invoices submitted by the supplier, and deals with any discrepancies that might arise, relieving some of the administrative burden arising from a long-term or complex contract.

  • Assist Audits at your request CCC performs assist audits whenever they’re requested.

Guarantee of Contract Performance

When you procure from Canada , and CCC acts as Prime Contractor, we offer the U.S. DoD a Guarantee of Contract Performance backed by the Government of Canada. This government-backed guarantee can help ease your mind when purchasing from a Canadian supplier with which you may not be familiar.

CCC provides an assurance that the specifications, terms and conditions of the contract will be met. CCC signs a separate domestic contract with the Canadian supplier to fulfill your requirement.

CCC—Part of your procurement system

CCC is integrated into the U.S. DoD procurement system, as specified in DFARS 225.870
All defense purchases from Canada above US100,000 must be transacted through the Canadian Commercial Corporation.

CCC’s role in assisting with U.S. defense purchases in Canada has its foundation in two long-standing agreements between the United States and Canada . These were put in place to help integrate defence development, production and procurement in North America .

The U.S.-Canada Defense Production Sharing Arrangement (1956)
Under the DPSA, signed in 1956, the U.S. DoD and NASA can purchases goods and services from Canadian suppliers through CCC. As Prime Contractor, CCC guarantees contract performance for the buyer and charges no fees for its service.

The U.S.-Canada Defence Development Sharing Agreement (1963)
This agreement signed in 1963, contributes to standardized defense equipment between Canada and the U.S. , and allows for Canada to share the funding when developmental contracts are awarded to a Canadian firm.

CCC also serves as the point of contact for U.S. DoD procurement officials and the DCMA office located in Ottawa , Canada.

U.S. Procurement Regulations that relate to CCC

DFAR 225.870

Contracting with Canadian Suppliers, purchases over $100,000


DFAR 225.870-1(a)

Contracts awarded to CCC are guaranteed by the Government of Canada


DFAR 225.870-2(a)

Canadian suppliers will be placed on U.S. DoD source lists at the request of CCC


DFAR 225.870-4(a)

Purchases from Canadian suppliers shall be made through CCC  

DFAR 225.872-1

Waiver of “Buy America Act” The U.S. DoD has waived the Act for Canadian materials and suppliers used in defense equipment

DFAR 252.225-7013

Duty-free entry Most Canadian products, when imported into the U.S. for defense use, are exempt from U.S. Customs duties

DFAR 215.403-1(4)(A)

Waiver of requirements for CCC to submit cost and pricing data  

FAR 30.201

Waiver of U.S. cost accounting standards for CCC contracts (48CFR +9903.201-1(B)(4))  

CCC can help with these business solutions:

DoD prime contractor solution

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