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NASA Prime contractor solution

CCC helps Canadian exporters access to the U.S. space market

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established as a separate civilian agency of the United States Government, and charged with primary responsibility for the conduct of scientific research in space technology and exploration. In carrying out this responsibility, NASA engages in a substantial procurement program in the areas of its interests.

Access to NASA Procurement Programs
Participation in this program by Canadian contractors with the requisite technical capability is welcomed. An agreement between NASA and CCC (NASA/CCC Letter of Agreement) adopts the provisions of the Defence Production Sharing Arrangement (DPSA) and allows for Canadian companies to have CCC assume the role of Prime Contractor.

CCC's Role in NASA Procurement
CCC provides expertise regarding regulations for selling to NASA. When a Canadian company sells to NASA through CCC, we assume the role of Prime Contractor. CCC’s involvement in your deal as prime contract can result in you obtaining favourable contract terms, including a reduction or waiver of bid and performance bonds, and payment guarantees.

Canadian exporters selling through CCC benefit from amended U.S. government procurement rules that reflect the Government of Canada’s involvement in the process.

  • waiver of U.S. cost accounting standards for contracts
  • waiver of requirements for submitting cost and pricing data
  • waiver of some of the regulations of the Buy American Act
  • duty-free entry for goods and services, where applicable.

When you sell through CCC, your NASA buyer receives a government guarantee of contract performance.

This is your chance to access new business opportunities provided by NASA You will find opportunities such as product or service needs, announcements for sources sought, and information requests.

To view NASA opportunities online visit:

Grabriela Gref-Innes
Business Development
Telephone: (613) 947-1414
Email: gabriela@ccc.ca

Tim O’Farrell
Account Executive, Team America
Telephone: (613) 947-3852
Email: timof@ccc.ca

Toll-free in the U.S. and Canada 1-866 435-0005

What to expect

CCC will ensure that you receive all the forms required to register your company to do business with NASA. You simply provide CCC with the information and we will assist you in completing the necessary forms.

You prepare your bid in response to a Request for Proposal or other solicitation with CCC assistance to ensure your submission is compliant. CCC will perform due diligence of your technical, managerial and financial capabilities to ensure contract performance and ascertain that the price offered is fair and reasonable.

Our service provides you with a knowledgeable and experienced team to advise you on strategies to help you win a favourable export contract.

What we need from you

We’ll need information on your customer’s requirement and the product or service you are selling as well as documents that will allow CCC to perform the managerial, technical and financial review of your company such as bios on management cadre and audited financial statements.

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