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Full record of public comment on the United States–Canada Air Quality Agreement Progress Report 2004

  1. December 21, 2004: Gord Miller, Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

  2. December 22, 2004: Paul L. Dean, Deputy Minister of Environment and Conservation, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

  3. December 29, 2004: Dr. David V. Bates, Vancouver, BC

  4. January 4, 2005: James P. Bruce, Canadian Policy Representative Soil and Water Conservation Council (SWCS), Ottawa, ON

  5. January 7, 2005: Virginia M. West, Deputy Minister of Environment, Ontario

  6. January 7, 2005: Hon. Kerry Morash, Minister of Environment and Labour, Nova Scotia

  7. January 28, 2005: J. Barry Turner, Ducks Unlimited Canada

  8. January 31, 2005: Joseph P. Koncelik, Director, Ohio EPA

  9. February 1, 2005: C. Peter Watson, Acting Deputy Minister, Alberta Environment

  10. February 7, 2005: Professor C. Scott Findlay, Director, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa

  11. February 8, 2005: Les Alm, Professor and Chair, Director of Graduate Studies, Boise State University

  12. February 3, 2005: G. Vinson Hellwig, Chief, Air Quality Division, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

  13. February 11, 2005: Dr. Albert Schumacher, President, Canadian Medical Association

  14. Staff Summary of Consultation Meeting in Ottawa – February 11, 2005

  15. February 12, 2005: Siegfried (Ziggy) Kleinau, Coordinator for Citizens for Renewable Energy

  16. February 14, 2005: Brian McCarry, Chair, Clean Air Hamilton

  17. February 16, 2005: Dan McDermott, Director, Sierra Club of Canada, Ontario Chapter

  18. Staff Summary of Consultation Meeting in Toronto – February 17, 2005

  19. February 22, 2005: Terry Raymond, Chair, Board of Directors, Fraser Valley Regional District

  20. February 22, 2005: Edith Chase, Kent, Ohio

  21. February 24, 2005: Anne Mitchell, Executive Director, Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy

  22. February 24, 2005: Siobhan Kearns, Director, Environment and Health Protection, Ottawa Public Health, City of Ottawa

  23. February 24, 2005: Charles Caccia, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa

  24. February 25, 2005: Paul Miller, Montreal (personal opinions, not official comments of CEC)

  25. February 24, 2005: Dr. David McKeown, Medical Officer of Health, City of Toronto

  26. February 28, 2005: John Wellner, Director Environmental Program, Ontario Medical Association

  27. February 28, 2005: Orlando Cabrera-Rivera, Bureau of air Management, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

  28. February 28, 2005: Dr. Chiotti and Rick Findlay, Pollution Probe

  29. February 28, 2005: Gordon Dalzell, Saint John Citizens Coalition for Clean Air, Saint John, N.B.

  30. February 28, 2005: Dr. Michael J. Donahue, President and CEO, Great Lakes Commission

  31. February 28, 2005: Scott M. Lorey, Legislative Director, The Adirondack Council

  32. March 1, 2005: Albert Koehl, Staff Lawyer, Sierra Legal Defense Fund

  33. March 1, 2005: James Gillis, Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Energy

  34. March 2, 2005: J. Marvin Hunt, Chair, Greater Vancouver Regional District Board

  35. March 17, 2005: John Pepperell, President, The Georgian Bay Association

  36. March 23, 2005: Don MacKinnon, President, Power Workers' Union

  37. April 5, 2005: Veda Emmett, Executive Assistant to the Director, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO


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