WCB News Delivered to Your Desktop
Get the latest Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia  news delivered to your desktop.

What are RSS Feeds?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) pulls fresh content automatically from your favourite websites like www.wcb.ns.ca. It allows you to receive on your desktop an advisory with the date, a headline, a summary and a link for each new item. If you want to read the full text, just click on the link.

Get Started
Download and install an RSS reader on your computer. There are dozens of different newsreaders available on the web, and most are free. Some of the more popular readers can be found by visiting the download.com site. Choose a reader that works best for your computer.

An alternative to downloading a dedicated newsreader is to use a web-based newsreader. For example, My Yahoo! users can now add RSS feeds directly to their personal page.  Google also has a customizable personal page for news and information.

Set Up Your WCB News RSS Feed
To view WCB's news feed in your RSS reader:

  • Copy the following URL: http://www.wcb.ns.ca/new/rss_news/feed.xml
  • Paste the URL into your reader
  • (Detailed instructions on how to add news feeds are included in the newsreader application.)