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© 2006

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Program Research


Substantial work on indicators of sustainability is already underway both within Canada and internationally. The first phase of the NRTEE's work on the ESDI Initiative has included surveying a range of these approaches to sustainable development indicators. The NRTEE has also engaged and supported a number of the key expert groups and organizations working on indicators in Canada.

The NRTEE's efforts have highlighted the fact that many communities, governments, businesses, international agencies and non-governmental organizations are attempting to develop new means to access and report on progress toward various aspects of sustainable development.

Different sustainability indicators are designed to achieve different goals. For example two prominent Canadian Initiatives - the Alberta Genuine Progress Indicator Accounting Project (Pembina Institute) and the Genuine Progress Index for Nova Scotia (GPI Atlantic) are working towards evaluating a wide range of social and environmental factors at the provincial level. Instead of tracking sustainability, initiatives such as the Canadian Policy Research Networks' Quality of Life Indicators Project focus on quality of life or well-being.

The research papers featured have been commissioned by the NRTEE through the ESDI Initiative. Additional research documents will be posted as they become available.

The next phase of the ESDI Initiative will focus on identifying existing indicator and data collection initiatives, in order to develop a national set of indicators.

Background Research

Technical Guidelines for Indicator Selection (Alice Born, Claude Simard, and Rob Smith, Statistics Canada)