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© 2006

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Human Capital

This group will review indicators and data sources and sets on which they rely in the area of human capital, and particularly in the sub-domains of health and education. It will consider the relevance of input indicators (investments in education and health) as well as outcome indicators that measure the result of the investments in human capital.

The group will consider and advise on the overall scope for human capital indicators. This will include consideration of indicators of productive inputs and outcomes (i.e. human capital as investments resulting in the enhancement of an individual's productivity in the labour market), indicators related to the enhancement of the productivity of an individual outside the labour market in non-market activities, as well as consideration of indicators which reflect the broader value and concerns of education and health of the Canadian population. The group may consider population-weighted indicators if these are relevant and useful.

The group will be asked to consider links to other indicator domains related to produced and natural capital, including the issues of substitutability and complementarity with these other forms of capital. The group will also be asked to examine linkages to the work of other cluster groups related to human health, such as the impact of environmental quality on human health, since this is also included in the mandates of the cluster groups on air quality and water resources.

For each sub-domain of education and health, the group will be asked to recommend no more than three indicators, and to designate one preferred indicator to the Steering Committee.





Background Documents

Summary of Recommendations

Defining Specific Indicators



Cluster Groups
  Human Capital
Non-renewable Resources
Renewable Resources
Air Quality and Atmospheric Conditions
Water Resources
Land and Soils