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© 2006

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Three case studies finalized as part of the second phase of the NRTEE's Ecological Fiscal Reform and Energy (EFR) program all conclude that, to varying degrees, fiscal tools and incentives can have a positive impact in reducing carbon-based emissions.

Renewable Grid-Power Electricity

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Lessons Learned
Baseline Study and Economic Report
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The renewable energy case study explores the ability of selected fiscal instruments to accelerate the use of renewable energy technologies and promote the long-term development of Canada's renewable energy sector.

As part of this exploration, the case study looks at the following technologies: wind turbines, low-impact hydro, grid-connected photovoltaics, landfill gas for electricity generation; biomass for electricity generation; tidal energy, and geothermal.

The study examines the current status and the long-term maximum generating capacity of each of these technologies, presents the projected cost of each and the trends affecting this cost, then analyzes the results.

Energy Efficiency

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Lessons Learned
Economic Study
Baseline Study
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Canadians routinely avoid obvious cost-effective investments in energy efficiency. This "energy efficiency gap" is one of the challenges addressed in this case study which, through baseline forecasts and simulation models as well as economic and policy analyses, evaluates the potential for EFR policy to influence the adoption of energy-efficient technologies.

Hydrogen Technologies

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Lessons Learned
Economic Analysis
Baseline Report
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This case study on the role of fiscal policy in promoting development of hydrogen technologies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced a baseline report and an economic analysis.

The baseline report describes the state of development of hydrogen technologies in Canada and the existing policy framework, and provides an initial evaluation of a range of fiscal policy options. The report identifies seven fiscal policies capable of providing direct incentives to hydrogen technologies while addressing a major barrier that currently limits the technology's market penetration.

The economic analysis presents the results of the modelling exercise undertaken to test the impact of the fiscal policies on particular hydrogen technologies.





Renewable Grid-Power Electricity

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Lessons Learned
Baseline Study and Economic Report
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Energy Efficiency

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Lessons Learned
Economic Study
Baseline Study
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Hydrogen Technologies

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Lessons Learned
Economic Analysis
Baseline Report
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Toward a Canadian Agenda for Ecological Fiscal Reform: First Steps (More...)
(PDF version)

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Reducing Sulphur Emissions from Heavy Fuel Oil Use — A Quantitative Assessment of Economic Instruments

Agricultural landscapes

Cleaner transportation