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Case Study on Renewable Grid-Power Electricity

Baseline Study and Economic Report

Submitted by Marbek Resource Consultants in association with Resources for the Future

May 21, 2004

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Appendix B: Overview of the Model

From: Fischer, Carolyn and Richard G. Newell. “Environmental and Technology Policies for Climate Change and Renewable Energy.” RFF Discussion Paper 04-05, April 2004.

We develop a unified framework to assess the six different policy options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the development and diffusion of renewable energy. The stylized model is deliberately kept simple to highlight key features. It includes two sectors, one emitting and one non-emitting, and both are assumed to be perfectly competitive and supplying an identical product, electricity.

Fossil fuel production is assumed to be the marginal technology, setting the overall market price; thus, to the extent that renewable energy is competitive, it displaces fossil fuel generation. The model has two stages. Electricity generation, consumption and emissions occur in both, while investment in knowledge takes place in the first stage and through technological change lowers the cost of renewable generation in the second. An important assumption is that firms take not only current prices as given, but they also take prices in the second stage as given, having rational expectations about those prices.

To allow for consideration of the length of time it takes for innovation to occur, and for the lifetime of the new technologies, let the first and second stages be made up of and years, respectively. For simplicity, we assume that no discounting occurs within the first stage; this assures that behaviour within that stage remains identical. However, let represent the discount factor between stages. It is possible to allow for discounting in the second stage by altering to reflect such discounting; in that case can be thought of as “effective” years.

Emitting Fossil Fuels Sector

The emitting sector of the generation industry relies on fossil fuels and is denoted with superscript . Total output from the emitting sector is in year . Marginal production costs are assumed to be constant with respect to output and weakly decreasing in emissions intensity , up to some natural rate, . This form allows for a trade-off between emissions intensity and higher costs (i.e., a carbon abatement cost function).

Two policies affect the fossil fuel sector directly: an emissions price and an output tax (which may be explicit or implicit, as with the portfolio standard discussed below). Let be the price of emissions (i.e., emissions tax or equilibrium permit price) and be the tax on fossil fuel generation at time , respectively. Other policies that stipulate quantity standards, such as renewable portfolio standards and emission performance standards, will be specified in the next section, as they require some modifications to the generalized model.
Profits for the representative emitting firm are:

where Pt is the price of electricity. The firm maximizes profits with respect to output and emissions intensity, yielding the following first-order conditions:

Thus, as shown in equation (2), the price of emissions determines the emission rate. The corresponding marginal costs of output are then constant (including the output tax () and the price of the emissions embodied in that output ). Thus, the fossil fuel sector is the “marginal technology” – as long as fossil fuel generation occurs, the competitive market price must equal the sum of these marginal costs, as shown by equation (3).34

Total emissions, , are the product of the emission rate and fossil fuel output:

In the absence of a price on emissions, the first-order condition for emission intensity implies . Let the solution to this equation be , the baseline emission rate, and the corresponding baseline price of electricity generation be , .

The Non-Emitting Renewable Energy Sector

Another sector of the industry generates without emissions by using renewable resources (wind, for example); it is denoted with superscript . Annual output from the renewables sector is . The costs of production are assumed to be increasing and convex in output, and declining and convex its own knowledge stock , so that where lettered subscripts denote derivatives with respect to the subscripted variable.35 Furthermore, since marginal costs are declining in knowledge and the cross-partials are symmetric, . Note that we have simplified considerably by assuming there is technological change in the relatively immature renewable energy technologies, but none in the relatively mature fossil fuel technologies. While it is of course not strictly true that fossil fuel technologies will experience no further technological advance, incorporation of a positive, but slower relative rate of advance in fossil fuels would complicate the analysis without adding substantial additional insights.

The knowledge stock is a function of cumulative R&D, , and of cumulative experience through “learning by doing” (LBD), , where . Cumulative R&D increases in proportion to annual investment in each stage, , so . Cumulative experience increases with total output during the first stage, so . Research expenditures, , are increasing and convex in the amount of new R&D knowledge generated in any one year, with , and . An important issue is whether research and experience are substitutes, in which case, or complements, in which
case .

Two price-based policies are directly targeted at renewable energy: a renewable energy production subsidy (), and a renewable technology R&D subsidy in which the government offsets a share () of research expenditures.

In our two-stage model, profits for the representative non-emitting firm are:

The firm maximizes profits with respect to output in each stage and R&D investment, yielding the following first-order conditions:

Rearranging, we get:

As shown in equation (6), the renewable energy sector produces until the marginal cost of production equals the value it receives from additional output, including the market price, any production subsidy, and the contribution of such output to future cost reduction through learning by doing (note that the last term in equation (6) is positive overall).36 Second-stage output does not generate a learning benefit, so there is no related term in equation (7). Meanwhile, as shown in equation (8), the firm also invests in research until the discounted returns from R&D equal investment costs on the margin.

Consumer Demand

Renewable energy generation and fossil fuel production are assumed to be perfect substitutes. Let be the consumer demand for electricity, a function of the price, where . In equilibrium, total consumption must equal total supply, the sum of fossil fuel and renewable energy generation:.

In this model, fossil fuels are the marginal technology (by the assumption of flat marginal costs), and their generation costs determine the price of electricity. Fossil fuel output is therefore equal to the residual after profitable renewable energy is produced: . Thus, any increase in renewable energy production “crowds out” fossil fuel production.

Consumer surplus is therefore . Thus, the change in consumer surplus due to the renewable energy policy in this partial equilibrium model is:


Policies also have implications for government revenues, which we denote as We assume that these revenues are raised or returned in a lump-sum fashion. The change in these transfers equals the tax revenues net of the cost of the subsidies:

Environmental damages are a function of the annual emissions and the length of each stage. To be able to accommodate both for flow and stock pollutants, we write this function in a general form:

The change in welfare due to a policy is the sum of the changes in consumer and producer surplus, net of the change in environmental damages and revenue transfers from the subsidy or tax:

Note that constant marginal costs in the fossil fuels sector implies zero profits, so .

However, welfare is unlikely to be the only metric for evaluating policy. Other indicators may be total emissions, consumer surplus, renewable energy market share, and so on. General equilibrium factors – like interactions with tax distortions, leakage, or other market failures – can also be important for determining welfare impacts. Political economy constraints may also be important for determining policy goals. To the extent that these unmodelled issues are present, this partial equilibrium presentation of welfare within the sector will not reflect the full social impacts; still, it represents a useful baseline metric.

Response of Renewable Energy to Changes in Prices, Output and R&D

While policies can affect both the market price of energy and the renewable energy subsidy, the renewable energy producer ultimately cares about the total price it receives for generation in each period, which we define as:

This Appendix derives the comparative statistics for the response of the renewable energy sector to changes in these prices and in the price it pays for research. The main results are as follows. First, renewable energy output in each period is increasing with the price received in that period.
(i.e., .) Output in the second stage is also increasing in knowledge, since marginal costs are lowered ().

Next, R&D is increasing in the second-stage price, since higher prices imply more renewable output, which implies more scope for profits from reduced costs. Similarly, to the extent there is learning by doing, first-stage output is increasing in the second-stage price, for the same reasons. Unsurprisingly, R&D is also increasing in its own subsidy, since effective investment costs to the firm decrease.

The harder questions regard how first-stage output responds to R&D, and vice versa – in other words, how LBD and R&D interact. While both are increasing in second-stage output, the incidence across the two forms of knowledge accumulation depends on the degree of their substitutability or complementarity. That substitutability also determines whether they respond in the same or opposite directions due to changes in the first-stage price and in the R&D subsidy, since those changes affect the relative prices of LBD and R&D.

If R&D and LBD are complements, first-stage production will tend to increase with investment in R&D. That means an increase in the R&D subsidy will also increase first-stage renewable generation. Similarly, an increase in first-stage renewable energy prices can also increase R&D, if it is complemented by more LBD.

On the other hand, if R&D and LBD are substitutes in knowledge production, then more R&D makes LBD less productive, given any output level. But the increase in second-stage output resulting from lower costs due to more R&D also tends to make LBD more valuable. First-stage production may then increase or decrease with investment in R&D. But a strong substitution effect means that a larger R&D subsidy will decrease first-stage production, and a larger subsidy to first-stage production will decrease R&D investment, as R&D and LBD crowd each other out. These interactions will be important determinants of policy effects, since different policies have different implications for the prices of output in the first and second stages and the cost of R&D.

Policy Scenarios

As developed in the modelling section, renewable energy production depends on the price received by that sector and the cost of R&D investment. Fossil fuel energy production depends on the amount of renewable sector output and the price of electricity, and emissions intensity depends on the price of emissions. Different policies vary in their effects on these different prices, resulting in different market equilibria. As we will see, the policies therefore provide varying incentives for emissions reduction along these different margins – emissions intensity, energy conservation, and renewable energy output – leading to a divergence in their relative efficiency.

No policy

We have defined as the baseline emissions rate and as the baseline electricity price, so in the absence of policy (i.e., ), the first-order conditions for production imply that output prices equal this baseline price in both markets and over time: . We assume that an interior solution exists; that is, that some wind energy is viable without any policy. A sufficient condition would be that . However, wind production could occur even if marginal production costs are higher than the price in the first stage, as long as the value of learning by doing for lowering second-stage costs is sufficient.

Fixed-price policies

We look first at three policies that directly set prices: an emissions price, a renewable production subsidy, and a tax on fossil-based production.

Emissions price

With a direct price for emissions – via either an emissions tax or a tradable emissions permit system – the fossil fuel sector has an incentive to lower its emission rate until the marginal cost of reduction equals the emissions price . The market price of electricity reflects the total marginal cost of fossil generation, inclusive of the embodied emissions cost as well as higher marginal production costs: (see equation (3)). Without other subsidies, the renewables sector receives the market price for electricity ( ), and the price increase promotes greater renewable energy generation in both stages. The prospect of more output in the second stage increases knowledge investment incentives in the renewable sector, both for R&D and learning. The higher market price also means consumers have added incentive to conserve. Thus, the emissions price provides efficient incentives for achieving a given emissions reduction goal as it provides equalized incentives for emission reduction along all three margins – emissions intensity, output reduction (via price increase) and renewable energy production.

Renewable energy production subsidy

Under a renewable production subsidy, since there is no direct price on emissions, there is no reduction in fossil emissions intensity, and , as in the no-policy scenario. While the market price of electricity remains unchanged, and thus provides no incentive for energy conservation, the effective price received by the renewable energy sector rises by the amount of the subsidy, so that . In this way, the renewables subsidy crowds out fossil fuels generation in both stages and reduces emissions.

Fossil fuel production tax

The analytic structure of a fossil fuel production tax is similar to the renewables subsidy, except that it is a rise in the consumer price of electricity, rather than a direct subsidy, that raises the price received by renewables. Thus, both the market price and the effective price received by the renewable energy sector rise by the amount of the tax: . Although no incentive exists to reduce emissions intensity, to the extent that demand falls due to higher prices, fossil output and emissions will be lower than under an equivalent renewable energy subsidy.

Renewable energy technology R&D subsidy

Without a price on emissions or subsidy/tax on output, output prices in both markets equal the baseline price ( ). The primary effect of the R&D subsidy is to increase research expenditures and lower future renewable costs, crowding out some fossil fuels generation in the second stage. The R&D policy provides no incentive for reduction in fossil emissions intensity or energy conservation through an electricity price increase.

Regarding incentives for technological change, in the appendix we show that an increase in R&D can encourage learning either by making it more productive if R&D and learning are complements, or by inducing a sufficient expansion in second-stage output. On the other hand, if they are substitutes R&D could discourage learning. In the latter case, although an R&D subsidy would increase renewable energy generation in the second stage, renewable output will be lower in the first stage relative to the baseline. The time path of emissions would tilt in the opposite direction, rising in the first stage and falling in the second. In the absence of a learning effect (), the R&D subsidy would do nothing for first-stage emissions.

Rate-based policies

Two additional, rate-based policies familiar to the electricity generation sector are portfolio standards and tradable performance standards. A portfolio standard requires a certain percentage of generation to come from renewable energy sources. A tradable performance standard mandates that average emissions intensity of all generation not exceed a standard. Both policies create effective taxes on fossil fuel generation and subsidies for renewable energy sources. However, those prices are not fixed, as in the previous policies, but rather adjust endogenously according to market conditions to achieve the targeted rate.

Endogenous prices raise additional issues with respect to innovation incentives. Essentially, as increased knowledge brings down the costs of renewable energy, the standards become less costly to meet, which becomes reflected in the implicit taxes and subsidies. The question is how firms in the renewable energy sector perceive these price changes. Do they recognize the impact of their innovation decisions on second-stage prices? Do they myopically expect prices to remain unchanged? Or do they expect the future prices, but take them as given, as competitive firms?

Given our starting assumptions of a representative, perfectly competitive firm, we will proceed with the latter assumption. This view is most appropriate for describing firm-specific innovation in a sector of many small, competitive firms. These assumptions may be strong, and exploring alternatives will be an important extension, in particular to incorporate spillover effects. A long literature recognizes the differences in incentives depending on the structure of markets for output and for innovation.37 But one must begin somewhere, so we examine the logical starting point of price-taking firms with rational expectations.

Renewable energy portfolio standard

We model the portfolio standard as a requirement that % of generation be from renewable energy sources in each stage (i.e., no banking allowed). We assume that responsibility lies with the emitting industry to satisfy the portfolio constraint. Thus, the fossil fuel producer must purchase or otherwise ensure at least units of renewable energy for every units of fossil fuel generation, or “green certificates” for every unit generated.

In equilibrium, the incentives correspond to a combination of the fossil fuel production tax and renewable energy subsidy cases. Assuming this constraint binds, the renewable energy sector receives a subsidy per unit output equal to the price of a green certificate, , where “^” denotes equilibrium values under the portfolio standard. The effective tax per unit of fossil-fuelled output under this policy, , is then proportional to the effective subsidy to the renewable energy producer:

The implicit tax and subsidy are determined competitively by the market to meet the portfolio constraint. The resulting market price of electricity is, while the price received by the renewables sector is .

The portfolio standard provides no incentive to lower the emissions intensity of fossil fuels, but crowds out fossil fuel generation by implicitly taxing it and subsidizing renewables compared to the market price. The rise in consumer prices is positive (unlike a pure renewables subsidy where it is zero), but only a fraction of the rise in the effective price received by renewables (whereas a fossil energy tax would fully pass this increase on to consumers). Thus the portfolio standard results in only modest energy conservation incentives.

Another important difference is that, if the portfolio standard is fixed as we have assumed, the implicit tax and subsidy decline over time as renewable energy costs fall due to technological change. This occurs because the implicit tax/subsidies reflect the shadow cost of meeting the renewable production constraint, and this shadow cost declines as the cost of renewable production declines.

Emission performance standard

While a portfolio standard requires a certain percentage of renewable energy, a performance standard requires an average emissions intensity of all generation. With a tradable performance standard of , the emitting firm must buy emission permits to the extent that its emission rate exceeds that standard. The price of emissions at time t, , will now be determined by a market equilibrium, denoted by “~”. All firms are in effect allocated permits per unit of output, which leads to an implicit subsidy of per unit of output. Thus, if the standard is binding, the fossil fuel sector will be a buyer of permits costing per unit of output, and the renewable sector will be a seller of permits valued at per unit of output.

Thus, the emissions performance standard corresponds to a combination of an emissions price and a generation subsidy for both renewable and fossil energy producers, where

The equilibrium values are determined in conjunction with the previous market-clearing conditions for energy supply and demand, along with the additional constraint that

The resulting market price of electricity is , reflecting both the higher cost of achieving lower emissions intensity, and the cost to fossil fuel producers of emissions in excess of the standard. The price received by the renewables sector is , which also includes the revenues they gain from permit sales (i.e., the implicit subsidy).

Note that the price received by renewables is the same as with an equivalent pure emissions price (i.e., if ), assuring the same amount of renewable energy. The incentive to lower emissions intensity is also the same for the fossil fuel sector in that case. However, the consumer price is lower by the output subsidy, , and the resulting larger total output is filled by additional fossil fuel generation, meaning that total emissions are higher.
As with the portfolio standard, a fixed performance standard implies a subsidy that changes over time. In this case, as costs fall in the second stage, the expansion of renewable energy allows fossil fuel sector emissions to increase. Some of this will arise from greater production, and some from increased emissions intensity, as the permit price falls

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