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Case Study on Renewable Grid-Power Electricity

Lessons Learned

Submitted by Marbek Resource Consultants in association with Resources for the Future

June 2004

Our results show that a wide range of fiscal instruments can be used to decarbonise the economy and increase the installed generating capacity of grid-power RETs. Lessons learned include the following:

1. Fiscal instruments are most economically efficient and environmentally effective if they are comprehensively applied and target all actors in a market. Each fiscal instrument examined in this case study has a different impact on the three decarbonization drivers:

  • Renewables penetration, which is how much Canadian electricity is generated from renewable sources;
  • The carbon intensity of fossil fuel generation, which is how much carbon a unit of electricity generated by fossil fuels contains (carbon intensity can be reduced by using natural gas instead of coal, for example); and
  • Total electricity demand.

The success of a fiscal instrument rests on its ability to influence the entire electricity market and these three decarbonization drivers in particular.

  • The emissions price is the most effective at influencing the market and its drivers. It provides the means to attenuate negative effects.
  • The RPS ensures a high penetration rate for renewables in the short and longer terms but has only a slight influence on consumer behaviour.
  • The renewable generation subsidy ensures an even higher penetration rate for renewables, but does not influence consumer behaviour or encourage electricity producers to permanently lower carbon intensity.
  • A mix of RPS and generation subsidy produces a slightly better result than the RPS or the subsidy alone; however, the welfare cost is very high because of the significant government disbursements.
  • The renewable R&D subsidy has a considerable positive impact on the renewables sector, but does nothing to influence the other drivers or assure market penetration in the long run.

2. A small number of RETs are competitive with fossil fuel generation now. Given that some renewables are competitive now, fiscal instruments can be expected to increase the installed generating capacity of renewables in Canada to some degree. However, ambitious carbon reductions will require binding fiscal instruments that close the price gap between fossil fuel generation and renewable generation.

3. Innovation reduces the cost of renewable generation. Innovation in RETs—primarily from international sources—will reduce the cost of renewable generation in Canada. Thus, the installed generating capacity of renewables in Canada is expected to grow over time, even without a change in policy.

4. RETs are immature technologies with uncertain costs and practical potential. Any model of RETs should address the significant uncertainty in predicting their cost and practical potential.

5. RETs are at different stages of technological development. Some instruments, such as an RPS, can be effective at deploying RETs that are commercially viable in the short term; R&D subsidies are better suited to RETs still in development.

6. The temporal impacts of the EFR instruments differ. The path of emissions reductions and renewables penetration can vary significantly between instruments. Instruments that require reductions from renewables in the short-term will necessarily be more costly than instruments that target longer-term reductions. This effect occurs when the price of renewable supply drops over time.

7. Each fiscal instrument has a different impact on producers, consumers, government and society (see Table 8). Simply comparing the cost of each instrument can mask these differences.

8. Program design and detail matter, but are not captured in the analysis. We assessed the EFR instruments at a high level, but observe that enabling conditions significantly impact outcomes. Enabling conditions such as local permitting, regulations, transmission distance and access to the grid all impact the technical and economic feasibility of the renewables supply and ultimately the predicted results of the EFR instruments. Blindly assuming that the EFR instruments will achieve cost-effective carbon reductions without a clear understanding of the enabling conditions and barriers to renewables uptake is highly risky policy.

9. The instrument’s long-term durability is important. This is particularly true when start-up capital costs are high and returns on investment must be established before the project begins.

Table 8
Summary of the Effects of Each Fiscal Instrument on Producers, Consumers, Government and Society

  Base Case Emissions Price Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Renewable Generation Subsidy Combination RPS and Renewable Generation Subsidy Renewable R&D Subsidy
To reduce CO2 emissions by 12% from 2010 to 2030, you would see... (No attempt to reach target) Emitters pay $10 for each tonne of CO2 24% of generation come from renewable sources (this is 9% of annual Canadian generation) A government subsidy of $0.006 for each kWh of renewable generation An RPS at 24.21%
and a subsidy of $0.002/kWh
The public and private sectors increase their R&D spending by 61%
Impact on electricity production Renewables gain some market share; CO2 emissions reduced by 5% Renewables penetrate slightly more quickly than in the base case; electricity producers work hardest on reducing carbon emissions A greater penetration of renewables than with the emissions price; costly for electricity producers at first but this cost decreases over time A greater penetration of renewables than with the emissions price; not a driver for reducing emissions intensity (= efficiency) A slightly greater penetration of renewables; fossil fuel generation unchanged A high penetration of renewables near the end of the second stage
Impact on consumers Status quo Electricity prices rise the most; conservation emphasized; negative impacts on some sectors Overall electricity prices are lower than with the emissions price, but rise and then fall; conservation not emphasized Electricity prices remain the same; conservation not emphasized Electricity prices slightly lower than with the subsidy alone; conservation not emphasized Electricity prices remain unchanged; conservation not emphasized
Impact on government Status quo Revenues raised (as government collects on emissions price); could redistribute to affected sectors No government revenues raised, lost or transferred Significant disbursements Significant disbursements ($1 billion) Significant disbursements
Impact on the renewable sector Status quo—some continued penetration Generation increases and production costs decrease; some increase in profit; R&D levels high More generation increase and slightly more profit than under emissions price, but less R&D Greater profits as more production lowers costs; high investment in R&D Generation and R&D slightly higher Highest potential penetration (near end of second stage) with high R&D
Impact on Canadian societal welfare* Status quo Lowest welfare cost Greater welfare cost than with emissions price and less than with generation subsidy Second highest welfare cost Welfare cost slightly lower than with generation subsidy Highest welfare cost
Level of uncertainty in reaching target Target is not achieved Low; all decarbonization drivers are acted on to achieve the target Medium; only two decarbonisation drivers are affected Medium-high; only one decarbonisation driver affected Medium; only two decarbonisation drivers affected High; only one decarbonisation driver affected and penetration not assured