Affiliated Sites

Rights & Democracy Student Network

Rights & Democracy Network

Are you concerned about the current state of the human rights and the democracy in the world? Do you wish to do something about it or simply to learn more about these matters? Do you wish to explore the links between your field of study and your concerns about these global issues?

Then join the Rights & Democracy Network!

Coalition for Women's Human Right's in Conflict Situations

Coalition for Women's Human Rights in Conflict Situations

The main focus of the Coalition’s work is to promote the adequate prosecution of perpetrators of crimes of gender violence in transitional justice systems based in Africa, in order to create precedents that recognise violence against women in conflict situations and help find ways to obtain justice for women survivors of sexual violence.

The Women's Rihgts in Afghanistan Fund

The Women's Rights in Afghanistan Fund

In the summer of 2002, Rights & Democracy established the Women’s Rights in Afghanistan Fund, with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Grants from this Fund are made to grassroots women’s organizations throughout Afghanistan, with the aim of supporting women’s human rights and peacebuilding efforts. This is a small, but crucial, effort to counter the effects of decades of denial of human rights to women and to bolster Afghanistan’s chances for a lasting peace.

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