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About Northern Region

The Northern Region is one of three regions across the province. It covers approximately 408,202 km2 of land, which represents 62 percent of Alberta's land mass. More about Northern Region

Northern Region map
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Our Staff




Ernie Hui
Regional Director

As Regional Director for the Northern Region, this position oversees a diverse team of multi-disciplinary individuals. The Regional Director administers the mandate of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act and the Water Act. The Regional Director is responsible for a consistent and timely approval process, a firm and fair enforcement process, an education oriented compliance process, an inspection program to ensure compliance, development and implementation of regional strategies and plans, a safe drinking water program and service orientation to our clients.

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Kem Singh
Regional Approvals Manager

The Regional Approvals Team is responsible for issuing approvals under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act for activities that have air and water emissions or solid waste products that must be monitored, regulated and reported. This includes industrial activities, drinking water, wastewater, pesticides, land reclamation and waste management activities.

Under the Water Act, activities include approvals for work in watercourses, licensing all surface and groundwater allocations and managing the water use priority system during water shortages.

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Gary Sasseville

Park Powell
District Approvals Manager
Peace River

District Approvals Manager
Peace River
District Approvals Teams are responsible for regulation of activities under the Water Act and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and operation of water infrastructure. This includes emissions from industrial and municipal activities, pesticides, land reclamation, drinking water activities, diversion and protection of water and groundwater. Staff include Water Management, Industrial, Municipal, Soil and Groundwater specialists. Each district has a variety of industrial facilities such as gas plants, pulp mills, sawmills, OSB plants, oil sands plants, fertilizer plants, petro-chemicals and coal mines.
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Albert Poulette
Regional Compliance Manager

The Regional Compliance Team has the responsibility of delivering the Department's compliance program for both the Water Act and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act within the region. Proactive facility inspections, compliance education, responding to environmental complaints, report reviews conducting investigations and delivering enforcement actions are many of the major activities performed by the regional compliance staff.

The Regional Monitoring Team is responsible for the ambient monitoring of the region's air and water resources. Conducting snow surveys' measuring stream flows and lake/reservoir levels; gathering and maintaining meteorological stations; collecting and analyzing ambient air data; and conducting special air monitoring surveys are some of the major functions performed by regional monitoring staff.

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Al Montpellier

Greg Smith

District Compliance Manager

District Compliance Manager
Grande Prairie

District Compliance Teams are responsible for the implementation of an integrated compliance assurance, emergency response and investigation program for both the Water Act and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

The integrated compliance assurance program consists of compliance inspections at a variety of facilities including industrial, and municipal facilities. Inspections focus on identifying and correcting areas of non-compliance. This program also includes water inspections and conservation and reclamation activities.

In the environmental emergency response program, the District Compliance team provides technical assistance during an environmental emergency to the local authority through their Disaster Services agencies (fire, police, etc.) in support of effective decision making to protect the environment. The compliance team also responds to environmental complaints, conducts investigations and delivers enforcement actions in the region.

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Mike Boyd
Regional Environmental Manager

Regional Environmental Management provides environmental leadership and promotes stewardship through integrated resource and water management/planning in the Northern Region. This group also coordinates and supports communication, public consultation and environmental awareness in the region.

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To Report an Environmental Complaint/Emergency

    Ernie Hui, Regional Director
    Ph: (780) 427-7617
    Fax: (780-427-7824
    Kem Singh, Regional Approvals Manager
    Ph: (780) 427-7012
    Fax: (780) 427-7824
    Park Powell, District Approvals Manager, Edmonton
    Ph: (780) 427-9563
    Fax: (780) 427-7824
    Gary Sasseville, District Approvals Manager, Peace River
    Ph: (780) 624-6502
    Fax: (780) 624-6542
    Albert Poulette, Regional Compliance Manager
    Ph: (780) 422-3035
    Fax:(780) 427-7824
    Al Montpellier, District Compliance Manager, Edmonton
    Ph: (780) 422-2190
    Fax: (780) 427-7824
    Greg Smith, District Compliance Manager, Grande Prairie
    Ph: (780) 538-8045
    Fax: (780) 538-5336
    Mike Boyd, Regional Manager, Environmental Management
    Ph: (780) 422-2598
    Fax: (780) 427-7824
    For Drinking Water inquiries contact:
    Asoke Weerasinghe, Municipal Team Leader
    Ph. (780) 427-8270
    Fax: (780) 427-7824
    For Surface and Ground Water inquiries contact:
    Pat Marriott, Water Allocation Team Leader
    Ph: (780) 427-7033
    Fax: (780) 427-7824
Office Locations

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Regional Information

Fort Air Partnership (Fort Saskatchewan) (FAP)
The Fort Air Partnership operates an air monitoring system for the Fort Saskatchewan area. The Partnership exists to develop relevant, credible information that can be used to manage regional air quality, protect environmental health, and influence policy.

Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (RAMP)
Initiated in 1997, the Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program (RAMP) is a joint environmental monitoring program that assesses the health of rivers and lakes in the oil sands region. The program is designed to identify and address potential impacts of oil sands development and is frequently adjusted to reflect monitoring results, technological advances and community concerns.

Regional Sustainable Development Strategy (RSDS) / Cumulative Environmental Effects Association (CEMA)
CEMA is a multi-stakeholder initiative in northeastern Alberta (Canada) working to implement the RSDS to manage the cumulative environmental impacts of industrial development in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.

Regional Sustainable Development Strategy for the Athabasca Oil Sands Area
Developed in partnership with regional stakeholders, the strategy provides a framework and process for addressing the area's growing number of cumulative environmental issues, and for ensuring development is environmentally sustainable.

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Regional Links

Related Links
Integrated Resource Management - Alberta Government
Sustainable Resource Development - Alberta Government
Community Development - Alberta Government
Environmental Education - Alberta Government
Climate Change Central
Strathcona Industrial Association
Peace Country Recycling Society (look under Peace River Regional Information/Regional Recycling)
Wood Buffalo Environmental Association (WBEA)
Canadian Oilsands Network for Research and Development
Lakeland Industrial and Community Association (LICA)
Lesser Slave Lake Community Development Corporation
Mackenzie River Basin Board
Northeast Capital Industrial Association
North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance
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Legislation & Policy
Water Act
Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act
Alberta's Commitment to Sustainable Resource and Environmental Management
Framework for Water Management Planning

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