Continuing Care

in Alberta

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will the new standards be in place?

The new and updated standards are being implemented now, and all continuing care service providers must comply with them by April 1, 2007.

What are the new standards for?

The new continuing care standards are for:

  • all health services in all publicly funded continuing care facilities, including staffing and prescription drugs; and

  • all accommodation services including food, building security and housekeeping.

What exactly do the new standards cover?

The new health service standards cover many areas, including:

  • Integrated care planning

  • Client and family care planning involvement

  • Client and family information and feedback processes

  • Medication management

  • Therapeutic services

  • Wellness promotion

The accommodation standards cover:

  • Physical environment

  • Hospitality services

  • Safety services

  • Personal services

  • Coordination and referral services

  • Residential services

  • Human resources

  • Management and administration

Are all of the standards in one document?

The standards are three separate documents:

Do the new standards include how residents can make complaints and how continuing care facilities are monitored?

No. However, a new concerns resolution process for residents and their families will be introduced later this year, along with new monitoring, reporting and enforcement processes.

How can I get more information or a copy of the standards?

The new standards are online on the Continuing Care in Alberta website at You can request a copy of the standards be mailed to you by calling (780) 415-2205.

last updated November 20, 2006

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