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Last Review/Updated: October 4, 2006

About Alberta Environment

Alberta Environment is a partner in protecting and enhancing Alberta's natural environment.

We work with our partners in their communities to ensure Albertans continue to enjoy the clean and healthy environment that is such an important part of our province's natural beauty. To do this effectively, we have staff located in more than 120 communities throughout Alberta.

Ministry Structure
Alberta Environment is organized into six main areas: Environmental Assurance, Regional Services, Strategic Directions, Corporate Services, Communications and Human Resources.

Organization Chart 

Reporting Agencies

The Minister of Environment is responsible for the Environmental Appeals Board. The Board operates at arm’s length from the department and reports directly to the Minister.

In addition, the Minister oversees the work of three Delegated Administrative Organizations.

Environmental Protection Advisory Committee
The committee was formed to help seek input on an on-going basis from some of Alberta's environmental leaders and stakeholders on key policies and decisions relating to the environment.

Learn more about the Committee and its members

Back to Top Vision and Mission
Alberta’s environment sustains a high quality of life.

Albertans value their environment for the ecological, economic and aesthetic benefits it provides now and will continue to provide in the future. They realize Alberta’s ecosystems bestow life-sustaining services. They expect their water to be safe, their air to be clean, their land to be productive and careful decisions to be made to ensure public safety and a healthy environment for generations to come.

Steward the use of and ensure the protection of our diverse environment to sustain natural ecosystems, healthy Albertans, strong communities and a prosperous economy.

Strategic Direction

Alberta Environment has been a leader since 1971, when Alberta created the first Department of Environment in Canada. We have led the way in standards, guidelines, and regulatory processes.

In the early 1990s, we took numerous acts and regulations and replaced them with one comprehensive act -- the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) -- and far fewer regulations.

In the late 1990s, we continued to be leaders by developing the Water Act and pioneering new approaches to water management.

The challenge has always been to keep pace with change, and balance economic development and a healthy environment.

How we will continue to be a leading edge jurisdiction for the 21st century.

Back to Top Annual Report

Annual Report 2005-2006 (2.98 MB, Adobe Acrobat required)
For past Annual Reports, visit the Information Centre.

2005-2006 Alberta Environment Department Highlights
2003-2004 Alberta Environment Department Highlights
2002-2003 Alberta Environment Department Highlights

Back to Top Business Plan
The Business Plan outlines the Ministry’s priorities for the three years commencing April 1, 2006. The business plan for the ministry was prepared under the direction of the Minister of Environment in accordance with the Government Accountability Act and the government’s accounting policies. The Minister is committed to achieving the planned results laid out in the plan.

The Ministry has also developed a highlights version of the Ministry's business plan in the form of a brochure.
Click here to download the pdf version of the brochure, or contact Strategic Business Planning by phone at
(780) 644-1006 or by writing to:

Strategic Business Planning
Corporate Services
Alberta Environment
9th floor, 9915 - 108 St.
Edmonton, AB T5K 2G8

or contact Susan Campbell.

Performance Measures and Indicators
Alberta Environment's Business Plan includes indicators that measure the Ministry's performance against five key areas: Air Quality Index, Surface Water Quality Index, Reduction of Municipal Solid Waste to Landfills, Pulp Production (BOD), Government Action to Improve Energy Productivity and Action by Alberta Organizations to Improve Energy Efficiency. Learn more about Environment's Performance Measures and Indicators.

Budget Estimate
Environment Budget Estimate 2005 (pdf format)
Environment Budget Estimate 2004 (pdf format)
Environment Budget Estimate 2003 (pdf format)

Back to Top Access to Information

To obtain environmental information:

  • For scientific/technical type information relating to the environmental condition of a site, follow the enclosed instructions on the Request Form for Scientific/Technical Information.
  • Approval documents can be viewed on the Authorization / Approval Viewer site.
  • If you are looking for information about an application for approval for a project, please first contact the project proponent.
  • If you are unsure of the name of the project proponent, if you cannot get the information from the project proponent after 30 days, or are looking for other types of environmental information, please contact a regional office of Alberta Environment for assistance.

Note: If the information you want is already offered somewhere else (such as the Queen's Printer) Alberta Environment will direct you to this source.

Alberta Environment may charge costs for providing information to you.

For more on Alberta Environment and Routine Disclosure, read A Commitment to Openness and Accountability or Ministerial Order 23/2004.

To learn about the Freedom of Information and the Protection of Privacy, visit the FRIM (FOIP, Records, Information and Management) Branch site.

Back to Top Recognition
Alberta Environment supports, sponsors or acknowledges awards that honor individuals, corporations, groups, or agencies for their roles in environmental stewardship. In the interests of cooperation with groups that provide such awards, the department identifies the awards and posts links, where appropriate.

Alberta Environment is proud to support the Emerald Awards and the Rs of Excellence Awards.

The Emerald Awards recognize positive achievements affecting the environment. For more information on Award criteria, application forms, past recipients and participants in the Foundation, visit the website at http://www.emeraldawards.com/.

The Rs of Excellence Awards are presented by the Recycling Council of Alberta in association with Action on Waste Alberta Environment. These awards recognize the special contributions Albertans are making to promote and facilitate waste reduction, recycling and resource conservation. For more information visit the Recycling Council of Alberta's website at http://www.recycle.ab.ca/conf_05.htm.

Back to Top Events for the Year

The Calendar of Designated Dates for Alberta Environment provides a selection of special days, weeks and months pertaining to the environment, which are identified or officially recognized in Alberta.

The Environment Conference List shows upcoming environmental conferences, meetings, symposia and workshops. The focus is mainly on events held in Canada, although some events in other locations have been included.

During Environment Week, Alberta Environment hosts the Minister for the Day Challenge. Grade 5 students from across the province who enter the contest are required to identify three environmental priorities, showcase creative ways of protecting the environment and provide ideas on how to inspire people to take personal responsibility for the environment. Winners get to spend the day in Edmonton as the Environment Minister.

In October, during Waste Reduction Week, Alberta Environment hosts the Reduce your Waste-Line Challenge in partnership with the Recycling Council of Alberta. Grade 4 classes from across the province catalogue the waste they create for a week, and determine how much could be diverted from landfill by reducing, reusing and recycling. In 2006, Alberta Environment is also supporting the Sort It Out photo-essay contest where Grade 4 classes creatively report on their Challenge results or other school or community efforts to reduce waste.

Back to Top Contacts
For general enquiries to Alberta Environment contact the Information Centre
Ph: 780-427-2700 | Fax: 780-422-4086 (Toll Free by first dialing 310-0000)
Hours of operation: 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Or visit the Information Centre website

For a list of employees, search the Alberta Government Telephone Directory.

Alberta Environment office locations and phone numbers

Alberta Environment
Main Floor, Petroleum Plaza South Tower
9915-108 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 2G8

Hon. Guy Boutilier
Minister of Environment
Ph: 780-427-2391
Fax: 780-422-6259
Peter Watson
Deputy Minister
Ph: 780-427-6236
Fax: 780-427-0923
Jay Nagendran
Assistant Deputy Minister
Regional Services
Bev Yee
Assistant Deputy Minister
Environmental Assurance
John Knapp
Assistant Deputy Minister
Strategic Directions
Assistant Deputy Minister
Corporate Services
Kim Hunt
Director of Communications

Ernie Hui
Northern Region
Regional Director

Larry Williams
Central Region
Regional Director
Jay Litke
Southern Region
Regional Director

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Government of Alberta