Government of Alberta
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An Initial Assessment of Microcystin in Raw and Treated Municipal Drinking Water Derived from Eutrophic Surface Waters in Alberta

In Alberta, many smaller communities utilize eutrophic lakes and reservoirs as their primary sources of raw water. These waterbodies are usually dominated by cyanobacteria (often referred to as blue-green algae) during summer and autumn. International toxicological research conducted over the past several decades has revealed that certain cyanobacterial species are capable of producing potent toxins, which can be released into the water as cells senesce. These toxins are classified into two categories, based on their respective modes of action: neurotoxins, which affect the nervous system; and hepatotoxins, which affect the liver. Microcystin, a widespread hepatotoxin, has been the topic of recent research in Alberta and it is suspected that certain communities may be exposed to this toxin because elevated levels have been measured in their raw water supplies. However, the total extent of microcystin in Alberta’s raw drinking water sources remains largely undetermined. Furthermore, it is unclear whether traditional drinking water treatment practices effectively remove microcystin. The objectives of this study were: 1. To assess the prevalence of microcystin in selected municipal raw water sources; 2. To determine if current water treatment practices adequately remove the toxin; and 3. To determine the efficacy of an experimental bio-filtration process for the removal of microcystin.
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Code of Practice For a Waterworks System Consisting Solely of a Water Distribution System

Code of Practice For a Waterworks System Consisting Solely of a Water Distribution System
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Code of Practice for Waterworks Systems Using High Quality Groundwater

CODE OF PRACTICE FOR WATERWORKS SYSTEMS USING HIGH QUALITY GROUNDWATER [made under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, RSA 2000, c.E-12, as amended and the Environmental Protection and Enhancement (Miscellaneous) Regulation, AR 118/93 as amended]
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Communication and Action Protocol for Failed Bacteriological Results in Drinking Water for Waterworks Systems Authorized Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act - - - April 2003

Communication and action protocol for failed bacteriological results in drinking water for waterworks systems authorized under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.
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Electronic Reporting of Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Information: User Manual for Drinking Water Operators

Alberta Environment (AENV) is moving to electronic submission of required monitoring data by Municipal Drinking Water Facilities, to provide assurance to Albertans as to the safety of their water; and to streamline regulatory reporting and compliance assessment. This manual is provided to Operators of Drinking Water facilities that are ready to submit their data electronically. Electronic sub mission provides the user the ability to store and retrieve data, and generate reports that can be printed and /or saved for future reference.
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Evaluating Treatment Processes for Removing Cyanobacterial Toxins from Drinking Water Supplies

This reports describes removing Cyanobacterial Toxins from Drinking Water Supplies.
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Groundwater Information System

This Geographical Information System (GIS) site contains a database of approximately 500,000 records with nearly 5,000 new drilling reports added annually. The database also contains information about individual water well drilling reports, chemical analysis reports up to the end of 1986, springs, flowing shot holes, test holes, and pump tests conducted on the wells.
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Guide to Requirements for Regulated Waterworks System Using High Quality Groundwater

Alberta Environment (the Department) regulates activities through the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) and the Water Act using tools such as approvals and registrations. Waterworks systems using high quality groundwater are regulated through a registration under EPEA. Proponents receiving a registration must follow conditions stipulated in the Code of Practice for Waterworks Systems using High Quality Groundwater (Code of Practice). Codes of Practice are developed for activities that are uniform in nature across Alberta.
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Guide to the Requirements for a Waterworks System Consisting Only of a Distribution System

Alberta Environment (the Department) regulates activities through the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) and the Water Act using tools such as approvals and registrations. Waterworks systems consisting solely of a water distribution system are regulated through a registration under EPEA. Proponents receiving a registration must follow conditions stipulated in the Code of Practice for a Waterworks System Consisting Solely of a Water Distribution System (Code of Practice).
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Making Sure It's Safe: Questions & Answers About Drinking Water in Alberta

Brochure containing information about drinking water quality and standards in Alberta.
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