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Pensions News

New to this Website

  • Policy Bulletin #2 is updated to indicate that Trust documents submitted for filing with the Superintendent must be drafted in accordance with the laws of Alberta - December 4, 2006.
  • Policy Bulletin #11 is amended to clarify that where one LIF is transferred to another LIF, the payment schedule established under that first LIF is to continue after the transfer - December 4, 2006.
  • Policy Bulletin #13 has removed the minimum 2% contribution requirement. The bulletin is amended to reflect the CRA minimum contribution requirement - December 4, 2006.
  • Policy Bulletin #27 is amended to clarify the various exemptions to the requirement to file annual valuation reports as a result of amendment to the EPPA - December 4, 2006.
  • A new Policy Bulletin #38 has been created to discuss actuarial valuation reports and cost certificates; and in particular, to clarify the requirements for filing an interim cost certificate - December 4, 2006.
  • The AIR and Cost Certificate forms have been revised slightly based on comment and feedback we have received from various pension stakeholders - December 4, 2006.
  • A new resource is available for pension plan administrators, service providers, and plan members who wish to obtain electronic updates of significant changes to the Employment Pensions website. Sign up for our electronic notification today! - November 24, 2006.
  • The Pension Statistics Report for the period covering April 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006 is now available. The Statistics report reflects a June 30 period end-date to provide more up-to-date information on pension plans registered with the Superintendent's office. The reason for the change is that the majority of pension plans have a December 31 plan year end and are required to file their Valuation Reports / Cost Certificates and Annual Information Returns by June 30th.  Note: for online viewers, the items listed in the table of contents are hyperlinked to allow the user to jump to that section within the body of the report.

Pensions Overview

There are several types of pensions for the people in this province.  The Superintendent of Pensions plays a role in the following ways:

  1. regulating pension plans set up by private sector employers for their employees, under the Employment Pension Plans Act (EPPA);

  2. developing policy regarding the regulation of private sector pension plans;

  3. developing policy on pension plans for most public sector employees in Alberta (except federal government employees and Alberta teachers);

    (Note:  Alberta Pensions Administration is responsible for the administration of these plans.)

  4. participating with the federal government and other provinces in setting policy for the Canada Pension Plan.

    (Note:  the federal government is responsible for the administration of the CPP.)

Click here for information on Pension Policy, the unit of Alberta Finance that deals with public sector pension plans and the CPP.

About the Superintendent of Pensions

The Superintendent of Pensions administers the Employment Pension Plans Act (EPPA), which governs pension plans established and maintained by employers (or groups of employers or unions).  Most of the plans registered under the legislation are private sector plans. More information about roles and responsibilities of operating pension plans is available here.

The EPPA helps safeguard pensions for employees by setting minimum standards for:

  • qualifying for benefits
  • determining benefits
  • funding pensions
  • investing plan assets
  • disclosure to members.

The office of the Superintendent of Pensions also recommends changes to the Employment Pension Plans Act. The Act was updated as of August 10, 2006.  Check out the EPPA Updates for the latest news on the Act.

The office of the Superintendent of Pensions is responsible for making sure that employers or unions who sponsor plans understand and follow the Act. The unit registers new plans, and monitors all existing plans. Staff can assist plan members by explaining how the EPPA affects them and their plan.

Our staff also investigate complaints, including those involving overdue refunds and payments.  Use our office directory if you wish to contact the staff.

If you need information about your own benefits in your pension plan, and your employer or your union runs your plan, contact your employer or union directly. Alberta Finance does not have any information related to your individual pension benefits.

The EPPA also sets rules for locked-in retirement products. These are RRSPs and RRIFs with special rules, to which money from a pension plan must be transferred if the owner is withdrawing all his funds from the pension plan. The locked-in products covered by the Act are:

  • LIRAs (Locked-In Retirement Accounts)
  • LIFs (Life Income Funds)

Click here to view publications prepared by the Superintendent of Pensions or our office directory.

What’s not covered by the EPPA?

Alberta public sector employees' pension plans (provincial, municipal, health, education) or federal employees’ pension plans, and private sector plans regulated by the federal government, are not covered under the EPPA.  The exceptions are the Universities Academic Pension Plan, covering university professors, and certain supplementary plans for public sector employees, which are regulated under the EPPA.

If you are looking for information on other Alberta public sector employee pensions, click here to go to the Alberta Pensions Administration website or view the Public Sector Pension Plans Act.

If you’re interested in the Alberta Teachers' Pension Plans, click here for the Alberta Teachers' Retirement Fund Board  website or view the Teachers' Pension Plans Act.

About Public Sector Pension Policy

The Public Sector Pension Policy division develops legislation and policy for several Alberta public sector pension plans including the Local Authorities Pension Plan, Public Service Pension Plan, Special Forces Pension Plan and the Management Employees Pension Plan.  The division also provides advice in relation to Alberta's role as one of the joint stewards of the Canada Pension Plan.

Other Pension Related Sites

Click here for links to other pension related sites, including federally regulated plans, federal public employees, and other provinces' plans.


Contents of this section below


Page Last Updated:  December 4, 2006


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