Government of British Columbia Ministry Home Consumer Taxation Branch
Consumer Taxation Branch



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Bad Debts
Bank Notes
Battery Levy
BC Transit Tax - Greater Vancouver Regional District
Beauty Industry
Bed & Breakfast Operators
Beer and Wine Making
Beer, Selling
Beverages - Selling Alcoholic
Bicycles, Bicycle Parts, and Bicycle Accessories
Boats - Leases and Charters
Boats - Non-Resident Purchases
Boats - Sales and Purchases
Bona Fide Aquaculturists
Bona Fide Aquaculturists - Shellfish Growers
Bona Fide Commercial Fishers
Bona Fide Farmers
Books - Exemption
Books - Retail
Budget - Changes to Legislation
Budget - Technical Amendments to Legislation
Building Supply Stores
Bulk Agents - Coloured Fuels
Bullion - Silver, Gold, Platinum
Bundled Sales - Taxable and Non-Taxable Goods or Services Sold Together
Burglar Alarms
Business Assets - Transferred between Closely Related Parties
Business Assets - Transferred on Winding Up, as a Dividend-in-Kind, or as a Return of Capital
Business Reorganizations


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Canada Revenue Agency
Canadian Agreement for Vehicle Registration (CAVR)
Car Dealers
Carriers - Inter-jurisdictional, Fuel Used and/or Purchased in British Columbia
  Carriers - Tax on Multi-jurisdictional Vehicles
Catalogue Purchases
Changes to Legislation
Charitable Organizations
Charters - Boats
Children's Clothing
Cigarettes and Cigars (see Tobacco)
Clothing - Alteration or Repair
Clothing - Materials to Make or Repair
Coal and Mineral Mining Operations
Coloured Fuel
Coloured Fuel - Logging Industry
Coloured Fuel - Mining Industry
Coloured Fuel - Oil and Gas Industry
Commemorative Coins
Commercial Fishers
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Computer Hardware, Software, and Related Services
Construction Industry
Contact Lenses
Contractors and Subcontractors
Contractors - Oil and Gas
Contracts to Improve Real Property
Convenience Stores
Conversion Kits
Corporate Reorganizations
CRA (see Canada Revenue Agency)
Crown Corporations
Custom Software


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Damaged or Lost Goods
Dealer-Use Formulas
Dedicated Telecommunication Services
Delivery Charges
Demonstration or Display - Property Used for
Dental Services
Dentists - Sales and Purchases by
Depreciation Rates
Design Consultants
Designers - Graphic
Diabetic Supplies
Diplomatic and Consular Corps - Exemption
Diplomatic and Consular Corps - Sales and Leases to
Directors' Liability
Disabilities, Persons with Permanent - Exempt Equipment and Devices
  Disabilities, Persons with Permanent - Fuel Tax Rebate
  Disabilities, Persons with Permanent - Modified Motor Vehicles
Disallowed Refunds - Appeals
Display Goods
Dividends in Kind - Transfers of Business Assets
Doctors (services)
Documentation Charges - Motor Vehicles
Dog Breeders
Drug Stores
Dry Cleaning
Dyeing Fuel


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Fabric and Craft Stores
Federal Government - Sales and Leases to
Film Distributors
Film Production
First Nations (see Native Indians)
Fishing Lodges
Flea Markets
Floating Buildings
  Footwear for Children
  Fuel - Alternative Motor Fuel Tax Concessions
Fuel - Coloured Fuel in the Oil and Gas Industry
Fuel - Coloured Fuel Used by the Logging Industry
Fuel - Coloured Fuel Used by the Mining Industry
Fuel Dyeing
Fuel Retailers Off Reserve Land - Selling to Native Indians
Fuel Retailers On Reserve Land - Selling to Native Indians
Fuel Tax Rates
Fuel Tax Rebates for Persons with Disabilities
  Fuel Tax Refund - International Air Cargo
Funeral Homes


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Jet Aircraft


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Machinery and Equipment Exemption
Magazines - Exemption
Magazines - Retail
Mail Order Purchases
Maintenance Agreements
Manufactured Homes for Residential Use
Medical Services Providers
Medical Supplies and Equipment
Medications and Medicaments
Memorial Parks and Dealers
Mineral Mining Operations
Mobile Homes
Modified Motor Vehicles
Motel Operators
Motion Picture Producers
Motive Fuel User Permits
Motor Carriers - Inter-jurisdictional, Fuel Purchased in BC (MFT)
Motor Carriers - Inter-jurisdictional (PST)
Motor Fuel Bulk Agents - Coloured Fuels
Motor Fuel Tax - Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Tax Concessions
Motor Fuel Tax - Coloured Fuel in the Mining Industry
Motor Fuel Tax - Coloured Fuel in the Oil and Gas Industry
Motor Fuel Tax - Coloured Fuel Used by the Logging Industry
Motor Fuel Tax - Fuel Sold on Reserve Land
Motor Fuel Tax - Greater Vancouver Regional District Transit Area
Motor Fuel Tax - Jet Fuel Refund - International Air Cargo
Motor Fuel Tax - Off-Reserve Sales to Native Indians
Motor Fuel Tax - Rates
Motor Fuel Tax - Rebates for Persons with Disabilities
Motor Fuel Tax - Refunds on Bad Debts
Motor Home Leases
Motor Vehicle Dealers
Motor Vehicle Lessors
Motor Vehicle Parking
Motor Vehicles Modified to Accommodate Persons with a Disability
Motor Vehicles Returned to the Seller
Movie Production
Multi-jurisdictional Vehicles
Municipal and Regional District  - Rates
Municipal and Regional Districts Tax - Information for Municipalities and Regional Districts
Music - Retail
Music Lessons


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Native Indians - Fuel Tax Exemption - Information for Retailers off Reserve Land
Native Indians - Fuel Tax Exemption - Information for Retailers on Reserve Land
Native Indians - Hotel Room Tax Exemption
Native Indians - PST Exemptions – General Information
Native Indians - PST Exemptions – Information for Retailers
Native Indians - Tobacco Tax Exemption – Information for Retailers
  Natural Gas - Exploration, Discovery and Development
  Natural Gas - Producing and Processing
  Natural Gas Service Providers
New Residents
Newspapers - Exemption
Newspapers - Retail
Non-Motorized Two Wheel Bicycles
Non-Resident Purchases - Motor Vehicles
Non-Resident Purchases - Tangible Personal Property
Non-Resident Suppliers - Purchases from
  Non-Residents - Who Bring Goods into British Columbia for Long-Term Personal Use
Notary Services


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Packers, Shippers, and Loaders
Packing Materials
Parents' Advisory Committee (PAC) - Refunds
Parking - Motor Vehicles
Passenger Vehicles - Modified to Accommodate a Disability
Patent Medicines
Patterns - Clothing
Penalty and Interest Charges on Overdue Tax Returns
Penalty and Interest on Tax Assessments
Permits - Exempt Sale Retail Dealer
Personal Services
Persons with a Disability - Exempt Equipment and Devices
Persons with a Disability - Fuel Tax Rebate
Persons with a Disability - Modified Motor Vehicles
Pet Shops
Petroleum - Exploration, Discovery and Development
Petroleum - Producing and Processing
Petroleum - Service Providers
Phone Cards
Photographers and Photofinishers
Portable Buildings
Postage Stamps
Power Generation - Hydroelectric
Premiums and Gifts
Prescription Drugs
Producers - Film and Television
Production Machinery and Equipment - Logging
Production Machinery and Equipment - Manufacturing
  Production Machinery and Equipment - Mining
  Production Machinery and Equipment - Petroleum
  Production Machinery and Equipment - Oil and Gas Exploration, Discovery and Development
  Promotional Goods
Prorate Licensing
Provincial Government - Sales and Lease to
Publications - Exemption
Publications - Retail
Purchases by Non-Residents
Purchases from Outside British Columbia
Purchases from Out-of-Province Suppliers


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Ready Mix Concrete
Real Property
Real Property Contracts and Realty Improvements
Recreational Vehicle Leases
Refunds - Fuel Tax Refund for Persons with Disabilities
Refunds - Bad Debts Written Off
Refunds - Overpayments of Tax
Refunds - PAC Funded Purchases for Schools
Registered Indians (see Native Indians)
  Registration as an Operator - Hotel Room Tax
Registration as a Vendor (PST)
Related Companies - Transfer of Assets
Rentals - Tangible Personal Property
Responsibilities as an Operator - Hotel Room Tax
Restocking Charges
Return of Capital - Transfers of Business Assets
Returned Merchandise
Revenue Canada Collecting Tax at the Border


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Safety Equipment
Sales and Leasebacks
School Supplies
Schools - PAC-Funded Purchases
Security Payments - Tobacco Tax
Security Systems
Seismic Equipment
Self-Employed Individuals
Sellers - Out-of-Province
Service Charges
Service Clubs
Service Contracts
Service Enterprises
Services - Taxable
  Services - to Individuals
Settlers' Effects
Sewing Supplies
Shellfish Growers
Silver Bullion
Social Service Tax - Completing the Tax Returns
Social Service Tax - Do You Need to Register?
Social Service Tax - Late Returns
Software - Computer
Software - Exempt Services
Software - Taxable and Exempt Software
Special Occasion Liquor Licences
Special Offers


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Tax - Collecting Unpaid
Tax - Paid at the Border
Tax Assessments - Penalty and Interest
Tax Concessions - Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Tax Rates - Motor Fuel
Tax Rates - Motor Vehicles
Tax Rates - Tobacco
Tax Refunds - Bad Debts Written Off
Tax Refunds - Fuel Retailers Operating on Reserve Land
Tax Refunds - Overpayments of Tax
  Tax Returns - Municipal and Regional District Tax
Tax Returns - Hotel Room Tax
Tax Returns - Overdue
Tax Returns - PST
Taxable and Non-taxable Goods Sold for a Single Price
Taxable Services
Telecommunication Services
Telecommunication Services - Dedicated
Telephone Cards
Television Production
Temporary Use of Equipment in British Columbia (1/3 Formula)
Theatre Operators
Thrift Stores
Time and Materials Contracts
Tire Levy
Tobacco - Exempt Sales made by Retail Dealers (ESRDs)
Tobacco - Marking Program
Tobacco - Information for Retailers
Tobacco - Information for Wholesale Dealers
Tobacco - Tax Rates
Trade-ins - General
Trade-ins - Motor Vehicles
Trailer - Lessors
Transfers of Business Assets - Closely Related Parties
Transfers of Business Assets - Winding Up, Dividend-in-Kind, or Return of Capital
Transit Tax (Translink)
Transportation and Delivery Charges
Transportation Devices for Persons with a Disability or Handicap
Transported Goods
Travel Trailers Brought Into the Province


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Yarns and Wools


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(currently unused)


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