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IQAS - International Qualifications Assessment Service FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

What is IQAS? Who benefits from an IQAS assessment?

IQAS helps immigrants obtain recognition for the education they received in other countries. IQAS provides certificates of comparison between degrees, diplomas and certificates received in another country with Canadian degrees, diplomas and certificates.

IQAS certificates can be used by:

  • Persons educated outside of Canada, to help them to get a job, join a professional licensing body or enroll at an educational institution.
  • Employers who need to know if the education received in another country meets Alberta or Saskatchewan standards.
  • Educational institutions which need to know if a degree, diploma or certificate meets their entrance requirements.
  • Professional licensing bodies that need to know if the education received in another country meets the standards set by their associations.

What types of assessments does IQAS offer and what do they cost?

IQAS provides a range of assessment services:

Basic Assessment ($100) - can be used for:

  • employment
  • professional licensing (please contact the professional licensing body you wish to enter to find out if they accept this type of assessment)

A sample Basic Assessment can be viewed here.

Description of Course Work Assessment ($200 - one university or college degree; plus $75 for each additional university or college degree) - can be used for:

  • professional licensing (please contact the professional licensing body you wish to enter to find out if they accept this type of assessment) and for employment (when you wish to show an area of specialization) 
  • advanced or transfer credit with an educational institution (please contact the educational institution you wish to enter to find out if they require this type of assessment)

A sample Description of Course Work Assessment can be viewed here.

Assessment for Educational Institutions ($100) - can be used for:

  • admission to an educational institution in Alberta and Saskatchewan (please contact the educational institution you wish to enter to find out if they accept this type of assessment). We will send a copy of the assessment to the educational institution when it is completed.

A sample Assessment For Educational Institutions can be viewed here.

If you want your assessment and documents returned to you by courier, you must pay an additional fee:

  • within Canada: $10
  • international: $45

Do professional organizations, licensing bodies and educational institutions accept IQAS assessments?

Professional associations and educational institutions may accept an IQAS assessment. They may also do their own review of education received outside of Canada.

Before you apply for an IQAS assessment, contact the professional associations and educational institutions you want to enter. Ask them if they will accept an IQAS assessment certificate. IQAS can give you a list of educational institutions, professional licensing bodies, organizations and employers that accept IQAS assessment certificates.

Many professional associations and educational institutions will have other admission requirements in addition to an educational assessment. If you have questions about licensing, registration or employment requirements and processes, contact the professional association, educational institution or employer. Trade certification questions should be directed to Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training

How do I apply for an assessment?

Contact the IQAS office and ask for an application form. Application forms can also be obtained from Alberta Career Development Centres, many post-secondary institutions, and organizations that help immigrants in Alberta and Saskatchewan. As well the application form can be printed from this website by choosing the printer friendly version.

What documents do I need to send with my application? Do I need to send original documents?

You must provide:

  1. Application form: you must send a completed IQAS application form with a signed declaration (step 3 of the application form)

  2. Payment for all fees: must be sent with your application form and documents before work on your assessment can begin (step 6 of the application form)

  3. Educational documents: original certificates(s), diploma(s), or degree(s) are required as well as transcripts, marksheets, or grade reports. Certified copies may be accepted in some circumstances. When certified copies are used, this will be noted on the IQAS assessment certificate. IQAS may still ask for original documents as work is done on your assessment. All original documents will be returned to you with your completed IQAS assessment.

If your documents are not in English, you must also provide English translations of the documents. Translations must be word-for-word and in the same format as the original documents.

If you are applying for a Description of Course Work Assessment, you must send official documents showing the number of hours, or credits of course study, you have completed.

If you are applying for an Assessment for Educational Institutions, you must send secondary or high school documents and university or college documents.

  1. Photocopies: in addition to providing one set of originals (or certified copies), you must send one set of photocopies of all educational documents. Please photocopy both sides of the documents. If you are providing English translations, you must also provide one set of photocopies of the translations.

  2. Proof of name change: if the name you are using is different from the name on your educational documents (for example, following marriage), you must send a photocopy of your proof of name change (such as a marriage certificate or record of landing).

Your assessment cannot be completed until all documents are received. It is your responsibility to provide all documents needed for your assessment.

If you provide new educational documents after your assessment is completed, you must pay a re-evaluation fee to have the new documents reviewed.

Are English translations of my documents necessary?

English translations are needed where the original documents are in another language. All translations must be word-for-word and in the same format as the original documents. IQAS will review the translations and decide if they are satisfactory. English translation services are provided by several agencies, please contact them directly.

How long will the assessment process take?

Most assessments take about eight weeks. However, your assessment may take longer if more research or correspondence is needed. Files are worked on in the order they are received at the IQAS office. If you must have your assessment done by a specific date, please note this on your application form.

How do I pay for my IQAS assessment?

Payment can be made by:

  • Cheque or Money Order (payable to the Minister of Finance);
  • MasterCard or Visa (step 7 of the application form); or
  • World Money Order in Canadian dollars (for payments from banks outside of Canada).

You must pay your fees in Canadian dollars. All fees must be paid before work on your assessment can begin.

What if my assessment is cancelled?

IQAS will give you a partial refund if you cancel your assessment before we start to work on it. IQAS will keep a $50.00 administration fee and you will receive a refund for the rest of the assessment fee.

If IQAS is not able to complete your assessment because

  • complete documents were not provided, or
  • an educational certificate, diploma or degree was received from an institution that is not recognized,

IQAS will keep a $50.00 administration fee and you will receive a refund for the rest of the assessment fee.

No refunds will be made if:

  • IQAS has started work on your assessment;
  • altered, tampered or forged documents have been provided; or
  • IQAS finds that the translation of a document falsely represents the original.

What if I am not satisfied with the results of the IQAS assessment?

IQAS can do a reassessment. You have one year following the date on your assessment certificate to ask, in writing, for a reassessment. The fee for a reassessment is $75.00. Please contact IQAS for more information on reassessment.

IQAS values your input. We welcome your comments which can be sent through our feedback form.

How can I contact IQAS?

Application forms and documents must be mailed or sent by courier to:

International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)
9th Floor, 108 Street Building
9942 - 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada  T5K 2J5
IQAS Telephone: (780) 427-2655
IQAS Fax: (780) 422-9734

To obtain an application form or more information, write us or contact us by telephone, fax or e-mail.

  • Telephone: Monday to Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • In Edmonton, phone 427-2655
    • In Alberta, but outside of Edmonton, phone 310-0000 and ask for 427-2655
    • In Saskatchewan, phone 1-800-999-3965
    • From all other locations, call direct 1-780-427-2655
  • Fax: 1-780-422-9734

Revision date: Friday, May 10, 2002


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