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Oilfield injection policy and guideline

A new policy and guideline have been prepared to address public concerns regarding the use of non-saline water for oilfield injection. Developed in cooperation with industry and government stakeholders, the policy and guideline are based on the recommendations of the Minister's Advisory Committee On Water Use Practice and Policy.

For more information about the policy or guideline, contact Robert George at robert.george@gov.ab.ca or at (780) 644-1122 (toll free in Alberta by first dialing 310-0000).

During the public consultation phases of Water for Life Albertans raised a number of concerns regarding the sustainability of various water uses, particularly water used for the enhanced recovery of oil (oilfield injection). Albertans were concerned about reductions in the availability of useable water (i.e., losses from the active hydrologic cycle) in a time when drought conditions were impacting other users in the province.

In response to these concerns, the Minister of the Environment appointed an advisory committee to further investigate these issues and to develop policy recommendations that will improve the long-term management and protection of Alberta’s water resources.

Advisory Committee on Water Use Practice and Policy

This Committee was formed using a multi-stakeholder selection approach. Members include representatives from provincial and municipal governments, industry (agriculture, energy and forest sectors), environmental organizations and the public-at-large. The mandate of the committee is to identify issues, examine alternative options and approaches, and to prepare recommendations for the Minister on the general topic of practices that remove water from the hydrologic cycle, including oilfield injection activities.

This committee was established in Fall 2003, and held its first meeting in October. It was scheduled to meet six times before the end of March 2004. A priority for the committee was to establish its Terms of Reference and outline its approach.

As an initial step in this review process, the Committee submitted a preliminary report to the Minister of the Environment on March 31, 2004. The Committee then asked for public feedback on the recommendations in the report and is now reviewing that feedback and preparing to finalize its recommendations to the Minister of Environment.

The Government of Alberta has received the Advisory Committee on Water Use Practice and Policy's final recommendations report.

View news release (issued October 22, 2004)

View fact sheet on the Advisory Committee...

View brief meeting summaries

View current policies and guidelines related to water use for enhanced oil recovery

View Water and oil: an overview of the use of water for enhanced oil recovery in Alberta (pdf information booklet)

View related technical reports...

View presentations made to the Advisory Committee

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