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Crop Diseases
  New Research from Agriculture Canada - (Call of the Land 2006-11-22)

  The Incidence of Clubroot is on the Rise - An interview with Rob Spencer, Irrigated and Specialty Crop Specialist at the Ag Info Centre(Call of the Land 2006-10-16)

  Clubroot Found in Alberta Cole Crops - The incidence of clubroot found in Alberta has been increasing(Agri-News 2006-10-11)

  A Pest's Eye View on Fall Clean Up - Fall clean up of fields, storage facilities and equipment is a lot of work, but makes sense when considered from a(Agri-News 2006-09-20)

 To Reference Information:  
  Potatoes & Vegetables    
  Special Crops    
  Trees & Shrubs    
 Tools & Resources:  
  Diseases of Cereal Crops    
  Diseases of Legumes and Grasses    
  Diseases of Oilseed Crops    
  Diseases of Vegetables    
  Fungicide Selector    
  Diseases of Field Peas    
  Diseases of Special Crops    
  Diseases of Potatoes    
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  Jan 24 FarmTech 2007  Edmonton  
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