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Livestock Diseases
  New Health Data on Alberta's Cattle Herd - An interview with Dr. Jagdish Patel(Call of the Land 2006-11-23)

  Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network Takes "Snapshots" of Livestock Health - Information on a new data-sharing system.(Agri-News 2006-11-22)

  How Veterinarians Can Benefit From the Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network - An interview with Dr. Sylvia Checkley(Call of the Land 2006-11-21)

 To Reference Information:  
  Avian Flu    
  Bovine Leukosis    
  Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)    
  Clostridial Diseases    
  Foot and Mouth Disease    
  Johne's Disease    
  West Nile Virus    
 Tools & Resources:  
  2005 Weekly Alberta West Nile Virus Horse Statistics    
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