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Appeal a Board Decision

The AGLC Board is responsible for conducting hearings and making decisions respecting licences, registrations, and applications. licensees, registrants, or applicants may choose to appeal a Board decision by requesting a Board Hearing.

Requesting a Hearing

A licensee, registrant, or applicant may apply to the Board for a hearing if:

  • The applicant has been refused a liquor or gaming licence or registration.
  • They have allegedly contravened the Gaming and Liquor Act or the Gaming and Liquor Regulation, and have been offered a specified penalty of a suspension, cancellation, or penalty relating to an infraction of provincial laws, AGLC policies, or municipal bylaws.
  • A condition was imposed on their gaming or facility licence or liquor licence, or
  • A condition was imposed on a liquor or gaming worker or supplier’s registration.

A request for a hearing must be received in writing within 30 days of receiving a notice concerning the matter. The request must fully describe the issue and the reasons for the request. The licensee, registrant or applicant has a right to be represented by a lawyer or other spokesperson. One will not be provided for the licensee, registrant or applicant.

A Hearing Panel of the Board must conduct the hearing within 60 days of receiving the request and give the licensee, registrant, or applicant the opportunity to make a presentation.

An applicant may, upon providing a written request to the Board Secretary, request an extension to the 60 days so that the hearing may be held outside of this period. If a postponement of a scheduled hearing is required, the Board Secretary should be contacted immediately. Postponements within 48 hours of the hearing date will only be granted in exceptional circumstances, and the Panel may require written justification.

Incidents or issues coming before a Hearing Panel will be judged on their own merit and independent of incidents or issues that were the subject of prior disciplinary action.

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