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AgroClimatic Information Service (ACIS): Case Studies

The following case studies provide examples of how ACIS can be used to find the length of the growing season, determine the driest areas of the province, and monitor crop growth.

Finding the length of growing season.Determining the driest areas of the province.Monitoring crop growthFinding local weather data
Marj Sutton is a foreign investor looking to purchase farm land in Alberta. Marj knows that winters in Canada can be long and needs to know how many days the growing season is. She would like to view some historical maps to determine a trend in length of the growing season.

View Case Study #1.

Merv Watters owns an agrochemical company that wants to promote a new herbicide that controls Kochia (Kochia Scoparia) in cereal crops. Kochia is a weed found in very dry areas. He needs to find the driest areas in the province to focus his market launch.

View Case Study #2.

Jane West works for a grain marketing company and she's trying to forecast the areas where harvest will start first. She also wants to use the weather mapper to monitor canola growth throughout the province.

View Case Study #3.

Chuck Hall grazes cattle in the Smoky Lake area. Before he makes any pasture management decisions, he would like to see how much precipitation his area received in the last 10 days.

View Case Study #4
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Other Documents in the Series

  AgroClimatic Information Service (ACIS): Case Studies - Current Document
Finding the Length of the Growing Season
Determining the Driest Areas in the Province
Monitoring Crop Growth
Finding Local Weather Data
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Lisa Guenther.
This information published to the web on July 24, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 1, 2006.

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