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Ag Engineering
  Decommissioning Water Wells - An interview with Ken Williamson(Call of the Land 2006-11-22)

  An Energy Saving Seminar in Peers - An interview with Garett Broadbent(Call of the Land 2006-11-21)

  The Bioenergy Industry is Gaining Momentum - An interview with Agriculture Minister Doug Horner(Call of the Land 2006-11-20)

  Energy Saving Seminar - Energy Saving Seminar being held in Peers Community Hall, Wildwood, on November 23, 2006(Agri-News 2006-11-15)

  A Pilot Project on Energy Efficiency Launches Today in Lethbridge - Interview with Carol-Ann Brown, Program Director with Climate Change Central.(Call of the Land 2006-11-09)

  Energy Audits on the Farm - An interview with Darryl Slingerland, Project Manager at the Ag Tech Centre(Call of the Land 2006-11-06)

  Air Quality Inside Livestock Buildings - Improving air quality results in improved human respiratory response, health and wellbeing, and improved animal production performance.(Agri-News 2006-10-11)

  Setback Distances for Manure. - An interview with AAFRD's Nutrient Management Specialist Trevor Wallace(Call of the Land 2006-10-11)

  Sunfuel "How-To" Workshop - Albertans interested in learning how to make biodiesel fuel are invited to attend Lakeland College's award-winning Sunfuel workshop.(Agri-News 2006-10-04)

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 Recent Postings:  
  Manure Composting Manual   
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