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'Agtech Innovator' Home

  AgTech Innovator is published by the AgTech Centre. The Centre is mandated to conduct engineering research and technology development to support a sustainable agriculture industry in Alberta.

Articles in the AgTech Innovator may be reproduced with acknowledgement of source. Further information on AgTech Centre is available by contacting the Centre directly.

AgTech Centre
3000 College Drive
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1K 1L6
Phone: (403) 329-1212 Fax: (403) 328-5562


Recent Articles from 'Agtech Innovator'

  From the June 23, 2006 Issue of Agtech Innovator
AgTech Centre Research Targets Practical Nozzle Information
The War on Spray Drift

From the May 23, 2006 Issue of Agtech Innovator
Fuel Efficiency Produces Big Payback: High Fuel Prices Drive Need for Better Fuel Efficiency and Changes in Farming Practices
Tires, Ballast and Fuel: Three Major Fuel Use Reducing Factors Within Any Farmer's Control
Changing the Way We Farm: The Simplest Solution to Fuel Savings Is Not to Start theTractor

From the Jan 1, 2006 Issue of Agtech Innovator
A New Generation of Conservation Tillage
Major Trends in Conservation Tillage Technology

AgTech Innovator #10 - July 2004
Technology Drives a New Generation of Farming
The Keys to Capturing Innovation
AgTech Centre Research Focuses on Four Core Areas

  Last Reviewed/Revised on August 28, 2006.  

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