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  Alberta Agriculture Research Supports Growth of the Agriculture and Food Industry - Alberta's agricultural industry, the second largest agricultural industry in Canada, benefits significantly from research.(Agri-News 2006-11-29)

  AVAC Funding for a New Agricultural Research Program - Agricultural research program that is focused on the development of new value-added canola and flax oils.(Call of the Land 2006-11-24)

  The Province Commits Millions to Strengthen Agricultural Research - The province's research capacity will continue to grow with a commitment of 30-million dollars by the provincial government(Call of the Land 2006-11-20)

  Alberta government commits $30 million to strengthen agricultural research - Announcement by the Alberta government of commitment of $30 million towards building a strong and sustainable agriculture research sector(Communications Branch 2006-11-16)

  Olds College Takes Part in Research on Disposal of Specified Risk Materials - The Olds College School of Innovation has joined a powerhouse list of post-secondary research facilities(Call of the Land 2006-10-12)

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