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Farm Animals and You

  Farm Safety Kids Club Winter 2006Farm Safety Kids Club Home          Download pdf - 1961K  
 For many of you calving season has started or is just around the corner. Baby farm animals are cute and cuddly and it can be very tempting to get close enough so that you can pet them. But don’t forget—their mothers are watching you and do not understand why you are touching their babies or that you are not hurting them. Just like your parents, these baby farm animal’s mothers will protect their young if they feel they are in danger!! Make sure you stay clear of mothers and their young!

Other Articles Farm Safety Kids Club Winter 2006

  Farm Safety Week
Farm Animals and You - Current Document
The Corral is No Play Pen
Playing Safe on the Farm
Safety Around Construction
Tractor Safety
Pond and Dugout Safety
Farm Safety Websites
Contact Information
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Raelyn Peterson.
This information published to the web on November 4, 2006.

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