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Last Review/Updated: March 8, 2005

Workshop on Remediation Guidelines for Upstream Oil and Gas Sites in Alberta

June 18-19 and June 28-29, 2001, Red Deer 

Alberta Environment presented two, two-day workshops on Remediation Guidelines for Upstream Oil and Gas Sites in Alberta on June 18 & 19 and June 28 & 29, 2001. Invited speakers were from Alberta Environment, Komex International, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP), the Surface Rights Federation, and Farmer’s Advocate.

The objective of the workshop was to present an outline of the development and application of science-based remediation criteria at upstream oil and gas sites. The workshop introduced the Canada-Wide Standards for Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil (PHC CWS), Interim Salt Contamination Assessment and Remediation Guidelines and the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Guideline for Upstream Oil and Gas Sites. Alberta Environment’s framework and regulatory processes for reclamation and remediation were also presented. Overall, participants were provided with substantial information on environmental protection goals, how the framework and criteria were developed, and practical application of the criteria and regulatory tools and roles and responsibilities of operators, consultants, government, and landowners.

The following materials were presented at the workshops. Unfortunately, presentations by CAPP, the Surface Rights Federation, and Farmer’s Advocate are not available. The documents below are in PDF format which requires the Acrobat Reader:

Workshop Participants Please Note: Some of the e-mail addresses provided to us at the two workshops did not reach the addressee. If you wish to receive future document release notices from Alberta Environment, please subscribe to our e-mail notification services, located at http://www.gov.ab.ca/env/protenf/soilgrndwater/index.html (at the bottom of the page, click on the “Email Notification” button. This e-mail notification service is for contamination, soil and groundwater related topics.)


http://www.gov.ab.ca/env/protenf/landrec/index.html (click on the “Subscribe” button. This e-mail notification service is for land reclamation related topics.)

If you wish to review the documents discussed during the workshop, all the documents are now on Alberta Environment’s web page at the addresses below.

  • Alberta Soil and Water Quality Guidelines for Hydrocarbons at Upstream Oil and Gas  Facilities, Volumes 1 – 3 (draft)
  • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Guideline for Upstream Oil and Gas Sites
  • Guidance for the Use of the Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment Guideline for  Upstream Oil and Gas Sites, D&R/IL/01-1
  • Salt Contamination Assessment and Remediation Guidelines
All of the above documents are located at the Information Center:

(under “Search by Topic List”, choose “Soil”.)

  • Policy for Management of Risks at Contaminated Sites in Alberta


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