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About Us  

The AGLC is an agent of the Government of Alberta and consists of a Board and a Corporation. The Corporation acts as the operational arm of the organization, while the Board is responsible for reflecting government's direction through policy and regulatory matters. Under legislation, the AGLC Board is required to take policy direction from the Minister of Gaming and develop strategies and plans for that policy direction to be effectively implemented. The Corporation consists of administrative and operational divisions responsible for its day-to-day activities.


Being Responsible

The AGLC has developed standards, guidelines, programs, brochures and posters to help ensure gaming and liquor activities are conducted responsibly and with integrity.

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Core Businesses

The core businesses of the AGLC are to:

These core businesses are established in accordance with the Gaming and Liquor Act, the Gaming and Liquor Regulation, and the Criminal Code of Canada.


The mission of the AGLC is to ensure that gaming and liquor activities in Alberta are conducted with integrity and social responsibility, and maximize long-term economic benefits for Albertans.


The AGLC, as an agent of the Government of Alberta, works to achieve the vision of the Ministry of Gaming. This vision is to strive to balance choice and responsibility in its gaming and liquor industries, uses revenues derived from these activities for the benefit of Albertans, and provides opportunity for competition and enhanced service in its liquor and gaming industries.


The AGLC is committed to operating according to the following values. We will:

  • act with integrity and in a fair and impartial manner;
  • strive to balance social and economic responsibilities to the people of Alberta;
  • foster clear, open and courteous communications and consultations with stakeholders;
  • achieve excellence in customer service;
  • nurture a working environment that is characterized by teamwork, collaboration, and open communication;
  • be an innovative and adaptable organization that focuses on continuous improvement in the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of our products, services and business processes; and
  • be responsible stewards of assets entrusted to us, maintaining our accountability to the Province of Alberta.

Information about the AGLC’s goals, strategies, and performance measures can be found in the 2006 – 2009 Business Plan PDF. The AGLC Annual Report PDF also provides actual financial and performance results.

We are committed to establishing a friendly and open dialogue with Albertans, and we welcome your comments.

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