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Quality Farm Dugouts

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“Quality Farm Dugouts” is a workbook developed by Water Specialists from across the Canadian prairies. It is designed to help you develop and maintain your dugout water system so that it meets your needs for years to come. The workbook provides a systems approach to improving both the supply and quality of water starting with the dugout watershed and continuing to its final use. The workbook contains 9 modules and 5 worksheets. It is recommended that you obtain a copy of the manual, which contains both completed examples of the worksheets as well as blank worksheets to use for your own farm dugouts.

Module 1 History
Provides background on the use of farm dugouts on the Canadian prairies.

Module 2 Understanding Prairie Dugouts
Gives an understanding of some of the unique aspects of the prairie climate and the challenges involved in securing and maintaining a good supply of dugout water.

Module 3 Planning
Learn to size a farm dugout and protect water quality through best management practices.

Module 4 Design and Construction
Learn about the importance of proper design and construction for ensuring a dependable supply of good water.

Module 5 Operating Systems
Discusses water intakes, pumps, piping, aeration and remote livestock watering systems.

Module 6 Water Quality for Domestic and Drinking Water Supplies
Identifies the health risks and water testing procedures necessary for guaranteeing a safe dugout water supply.

Module 7 Water Treatment for Domestic Purposes
Deals with water treatment processes and treatment systems required to produce good quality water, effectively and safely.

Module 8 Dugout Management
Looks at ways to monitor changes in dugout water quality and apply treatment strategies such as aeration and chemical control of algae and plants.

Module 9 Trouble Shooting Guide for Dugout Problems
Provides tables to assist with the diagnosis and solution of dugout water supply and quality problems based on the symptoms observed.

Provides definitions for the various terms used throughout the manual.

Appendix 1 - Provincial Regulations
Provincial regulations for water licensing, fish stocking, setbacks, and financial and technical assistance.

Appendix 2 - Water Quality Guide
Information regarding chemicals and waterborne diseases affecting human health, and factors affecting the aesthetic quality of water.

Appendix 3 - Using Copper Products to Control Cyanobacteria
A guide to using copper to control blue-green algae.

Appendix 4 - Contacts and References
Contacts and references related to building dugouts and water quality.

Dugout Sizing Worksheet
Dugout Sizing Worksheet Example
Water System Sizing Worksheet
Water System Sizing Worksheet Example
Operation and Maintenance Schedules

Order Information
Residents of Alberta may order single copies or up to 10 copies of the department's free publications including "Quality Farm Dugouts" by filling in the form at the top of this document or by phoning the Publications Office toll free at: 1-800-292-5697.

Residents of other provinces in Canada can obtain a copy of "Quality Farm Dugouts" by phoning collect to the Communications Division Office of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canda in Regina, Saskatchewan at (306) 780-7385 or by phoning the closest District or Regional office.

Residents of Manitoba can also obtain a copy of "Quality Farm Dugouts" by phoning collect to the Manitoba Water Services Board in Brandon, Manitoba at (204) 726-6290.

This information may not be reproduced without the permission of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.

For permission to reproduce material from this publication contact:
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
Agriculture Education and Training Branch
2nd Floor, J.G. O'Donoghue Building
7000 - 113 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6
Phone: (780) 427-4309
Fax: (780) 422-7755


Other Documents in the Series

  Quality Farm Dugouts - Current Document
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 1 - History
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 2 - Understanding Prairie Dugouts
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 3 - Planning
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 4 - Design and Construction
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 5 - Operating Systems
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 6 - Water Quality for Domestic and Drinking Water Supplies
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 7 - Water Treatment for Domestic Water Supplies
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 8 - Dugout Maintenance
Quality Farm Dugouts: Module 9 - Trouble Shooting Guide for Dugout Problems
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 1- Provincial Regulations
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 2 - Water Quality Guide
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 3 - Using Copper Products to Control Cyanobacteria
Quality Farm Dugouts: Appendix 4 - Contacts and References
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Bob Buchanan.
This document is maintained by George Ragan.
This information published to the web on July 17, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on January 6, 2006.

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