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(no amdt)

alberta regulation 15/2005

Alberta Capital Finance Authority Act


Table of Contents

                1       Class A shares

                2       Class B shares

                3       Class C shares

                4       Class D shares

                5       Class E shares

                6       Deemed allotment

                7       Repeal

                8       Expiry

Class A shares

1   Class A shares may be allotted only to the Crown in right of Alberta.

Class B shares

2   Class B shares may be allotted only

                                 (a)    to a municipal authority on the basis of one share for each 600 of population or fraction of that amount,

                                 (b)    to a regional authority on the basis of one share to each regional authority, and

                                 (c)    to a health authority on the basis of one share to each health authority.

Class C shares

3   Class C shares may be allotted only to cities on the basis of one share for each 3000 of population or fraction of that amount.

Class D shares

4   Class D shares may be allotted only to towns on the basis of one share for each 1200 of population or fraction of that amount.

Class E shares

5   Class E shares may be allotted only to an educational authority on the basis of one share to each educational authority.

Deemed allotment

6   All shares allotted prior to this Regulation coming into force are deemed to have been allotted in accordance with this Regulation.


7   The Allotment of Shares Regulation (AR 314/80) is repealed.


8   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on June 30, 2014.

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