Alberta Health & Wellness
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Government of Alberta
Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan

Contact us if you have any questions about health care and health care insurance coverage in Alberta. Please note that name and address changes can be made at no charge at any Alberta Registry Agent.

To inquire about your account or update personal information, please quote your personal health number using one of the following methods.

Telephone: 427-1432 (Edmonton)
Toll free for the rest of Alberta dial 310-0000 then (780) 427-1432.
Fax: (780) 422-0102 (Edmonton)

Alberta Health and Wellness
PO Box 1360, Station Main
Edmonton, AB
T5J 2N3

In person:

10025 Jasper Avenue NW, Edmonton or
727 - 7 Ave SW, Calgary

Office hours are 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday

E-mail: For general information  or non-personal questions regarding Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan e-mail health.ahcipmail@gov.ab.caAny questions, comments, or concerns containing your personal health information should be made in person, or by telephone. Any personal information you submit by e-mail is not secure, and may be observed by a third party while in transit.

It is important for all Albertans to take steps to safeguard their personal health number and card.  Please protect your Alberta Personal Health number and card by ensuring they are used only when you are obtaining publicly funded health services.  If you have any information about suspected or confirmed abuse of personal health numbers or cards, please call our Tip-Line at 1-866-278-5104*.  In accordance with privacy legislation, any information reported is considered confidential.  Tip-Line staff will not record any identifying information about the caller if a caller wishes to remain anonymous.

*Please note:  The Tip-Line is only for calls relating to suspected/confirmed abuse of personal health numbers and/or cards.  All other inquires regarding Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan registration, premiums and claims should be directed to our main customer inquiry line at (780) 427-1432 in the Edmonton area.  From all other areas within Alberta, call toll-free by dialing 310-0000, then (780) 427-1432, when prompted.

For more information about health cards:


Toll Free Access

From within the Province of Alberta
  • To call Alberta Health Care dial 310-0000 toll free, then dial 780-427-1432. 
  • To call Health and Wellness Ministry Information dial 310-0000 toll free, then dial 780-427-7164.

From outside of Alberta call through regular long distance

  • Alberta Health Care 780-427-1432
  • Health and Wellness General Information 780-427-7164
  • Provincial Government General Information 780-427-2711

Deaf/hearing impaired callers 

  • within Alberta using a TTY can reach the provincial government by dialing 427-9999 in Edmonton or 
  • 1-800-232-7215 throughout Alberta. 

This is not a voice line.


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